Selecting one <Input/Output Audience> entry per <Different Audience>

Choose this option if the input and output audience levels are the same, but a different audience level is used to scope the output.

About this task

An example is to select the one customer in each household who has the oldest account. (Input audience level is customer, output audience level is customer, scoping by Household level, using MinOf(BaseInfo.AcctStartDt) to select.) Specify a business rule to indicate how the single entity is selected (for example, the minimum, maximum, or median of some field), or else choose Any One (in this case, no field choices are available).


  1. In the Audience process, select an input source for Input. Select the same audience level for the output audience.

    The relevant Select options become available.

  2. Select the One Entry per option.
  3. Select an audience level from the list.

    All alternate defined audience levels (other than the input audience) appear in the list.

  4. Choose a value from the Based On list:
    • Any One eliminates the need to pick a Based On value
    • MaxOf returns the maximum value of the selected field
    • MedianOf returns the median value of the selected field
    • MinOf returns the minimum value of the selected field

    Each of these functions will return exactly one member from the input audience level. If more than one entry is tied at the maximum, minimum, or median value, the first encountered entry is returned.

  5. If you selected a Based On criterion other than Any One, select a field on which the function operates. This list includes all the fields from the table selected in the Choose Audience field, and any mapped dimension tables. Expand a table by clicking the " + " sign. Created derived fields are listed at the bottom.

    For example, to select the account holder from each household with the highest account balance, you would select MaxOf for the Based On criteria and Acct_Balance from the list of table fields.

    You can also create or select derived fields by clicking Derived Fields.

  6. (Optional) If you selected a count to be based on, the Filter button becomes available.

    Use the Filter function to reduce the number the IDs that will be available to the Based On calculation. For example, you might want to select customers based on their average account balance in the last 6 months, but prior to doing that, you would want to filter out all customers whose accounts are inactive.

    To filter records before performing the Based On computation, click Filter. The Specify Selection Criteria window appears. You can enter a query expression to specify which records will be used in the Based On calculation. The filtering criteria is applied before performing the Based On calculation, thereby allowing you to remove records from consideration.

  7. Click OK to save your query and close the Specify Selection Criteria window.
  8. Continue configuring the Audience process by completing the fields on the remaining tabs.