Guidelines for list selection flowcharts for On-demand Campaigns and Lists

When you build the list selection flowchart in Campaign, you must follow specific guidelines.

The specific guidelines are as follows.
  • You must specify the flowchart name in the template for On-demand Campaigns or Lists from which the flowchart is run.
  • You cannot use the following processes in a list selection flowchart:
    • Plan
    • Create Segment
    • Cube
If you are using the List Manager, follow these additional guidelines:
  • For On-demand Campaigns, the flowchart must end with a Snapshot or Extract process that writes the selections to the uacc_ondemand_lists table in the Distributed Marketing system database.
  • For Lists, the flowchart must end with a Snapshot or Extract process that writes the selections to the uacc_lists table in the Distributed Marketing system database.