HCL Opportunity Detect run time system table reference

This section provides details on each of the HCL Opportunity Detect run time system tables. Some fields are for future use.

Important: The data types shown in the tables are generic types that may be different in your Opportunity Detect installation, depending on the database type. For example, when DB2 is used for system tables, the data type shown as DATETIME will be TIMESTAMP, and NVARCHAR data will be VARGRAPHIC.


Stores run information.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id INT false A ID associated with the batch run.
deploymentConfigurationId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the deployment configuration used for the run.
workspaceId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the workspace associated with the deployment configuration.
startTime TIMESTAMP false The date and time when the run was started.
endTime TIMESTAMP true The date and time when the run finished.


Stores run detail information.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id INT false A unique ID associated with the run detail record.
runId INT false The unique ID of the run.
startTime TIMESTAMP false The date and time when the run was started
endTime TIMESTAMP true The date and time when the run completed.
state INT true A numerical value that represents the final state for the batch run.
isRecovery INT true Indicates whether this was a recovery run or normal run.
parameters VARCHAR 1000 true Stores all the run parameters that were used in the run.


Stores run status for each run detail record for each run.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id INT false A ID associated with the run detail.
runDetailId INT false The run detail ID.
runDetailRunId INT false The run ID.
runTimeStamp TIMESTAMP false Thedate and time associated with the system state record.
state INT false A numerical value that represents the final state for the run detail