HCL Opportunity Detect design time system table reference

This section provides details on each of the HCL Opportunity Detect design time system tables. Some fields are for future use.

Important: The data types shown in the tables are generic types that may be different in your Opportunity Detect installation, depending on the database type. For example, when DB2 is used for system tables, the data type shown as DATETIME will be TIMESTAMP, and NVARCHAR data will be VARGRAPHIC.


Stores the customer defined audience level information (formally known as entity).

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID for the audience level.
name NVARCHAR 100 false The display name for the audience level in the user interface.
code NVARCHAR 1 false The code associated with the audience level. This code is used in the names of files that contain the transaction and profile data.
origin INT false Indicates whether the audience level was created by a user or by the system. In real time mode, audience levels are created by the system.
createDateTime DATETIME false The date and time when the audience level was created.
modifyDateTime DATETIME true The date and time when the audience level record was last modified.


The central repository for all components.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the component.
componentTypeId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the component type.
name NVARCHAR 100 false The user defined name of the component.
description NVARCHAR 200 true The user defined description for the component.
xmlRule XML true The definition of the component, stored in XML format.
status INT false The status of the component: complete or incomplete.
nameSpace NVARCHAR 100 false The user defined name space for the component.
tag NVARCHAR 50 true The user defined tag for the component.
origin INT false Indicates whether the component was created by a user or by the system. In real time mode, components are created by the system.
negativeEvent INT false Indicates whether the component can be used as a negative event.
createDateTime DATETIME false The date and time when the component was created.
modifyDateTime DATETIME true The date and time when the component was last modified.


Stores the relationship between a component and data source.

Field Type Length Null? Description
componentId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the component where the data source is being used.
allowsDataSourceId VARCHAR 36 true The ID of the transaction data source that the component is allowed to use.
usesDataSourceId VARCHAR 36 true The ID of the transaction data source that the component is configured to use.
allowsProfileId VARCHAR 36 true The ID of the profile data source that the component is allowed to use.
usesProfileId VARCHAR 36 true The ID of the profile data source that the component is configured to use.
audienceId VARCHAR 36 true The ID of the audience level that determines what data sources the component is allowed to use.


Stores the component type list.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID that identifies the component type throughout the application.
type NVARCHAR 100 false An internal name associated with the component type.
category NVARCHAR 100 false Indicates the whether the component produces an event or data.


Stores connector information.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID that identifies the connector throughout the application.
name NVARCHAR 100 false The display name associated with the connector.
description NVARCHAR 200 true The user defined description of the connector.
type NVARCHAR 20 false The type of the connector: file, table,TCP, Real Time(Web Service) or Trigger Table.
createDateTime DATETIME false The date and time when the connector was created.
modifyDateTime DATETIME true The date and time when the connector was last modified.


Stores all field definitions and other attributes for container, select function, and join function components.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the custom field. Custom fields are used only with container, select, or join components.
name NVARCHAR 50 false The name of the custom field.
componentId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the component associated with the custom field.
dataTypeId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the data type of the custom field.
length INT true The length of a string defined field
defaultValue NVARCHAR 36 true If the field is null, a default value can be used (only for fields used with the container component).
outputName NVARCHAR 50 true The user defined name that is displayed in the component editor for the select function, and used by the select function.
aggregateFunction NVARCHAR 20 true The user defined name that is displayed in the select function component editor and used by the select function.
nullable INT true Indicates whether the field can contain null values.
isUnique INT true Indicates whether the field value is unique.
trendTimeStamp INT false A flag that is set when the user selects a Container timestamp field representing the primary date as the primary date in a select function.
createDateTime DATETIME false The date and time when the custom field was created.
modifyDateTime DATETIME true The date and time when the custom field was last modified.


Stores database connection information.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID that identifies the connection.
name NVARCHAR 100 false The user defined display name associated with the database connection.
databaseName NVARCHAR 200 false The name of the database.
serverName NVARCHAR 200 false The name of the database server.
databaseType NVARCHAR 20 false The type of the database.
userId NVARCHAR 50 false The user name for the database account that the system uses to access the database.
password NVARCHAR 150 false The password for the database account that the system uses to access the database.
port INT true The port on which the database server listens.
createDateTime DATETIME false The date and time when the connection was created.
modifyDateTime DATETIME true The date and time when the connection was last modified.


Stores data source information.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID that identifies the data source throughout the application.
name NVARCHAR 100 false The user defined display name for the data source.
description NVARCHAR 200 true The user defined description of the data source.
type NVARCHAR 20 false The type of data source (transaction, file profile, database profile, lookup table).
customAttributes NVARCHAR 2000 true Not used.
origin INT false Indicates whether the data source was created by a user or by the system. In real time mode, data sources are created by the system.
createDateTime DATETIME false The date and time when the data source was created.
modifyDateTime DATETIME true The date and time when the data source was last modified.


Stores data source field definitions.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID that represents the field.
dataSourceId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID associated with the data source that the fields belong to.
name NVARCHAR 100 false The internal name of the field, used by the system and not displayed.
description NVARCHAR 200 true The user defined description of the field.
dataTypeId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID that represents the data type of the field.
nameValueListId VARCHAR 36 true The unique ID associated with a named value list that is associated with the field.
appType NVARCHAR 100 false The type of the field: audience ID, transaction date, or attribute.
displayName NVARCHAR 100 false The name that is displayed in the user interface when users reference the data source field.
audienceId VARCHAR 36 true The audience level associated with the data source field.
createDateTime DATETIME false The date and time when the field was created.
modifyDateTime DATETIME true The date and time when the field was last modified.


Stores a list of the available data types.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID that represents the data type.
name NVARCHAR 100 false The internal name that the system uses to identify data types.
displayName NVARCHAR 100 false The name of the data type that appears in the user interface.
length INT true Allowed length of the data in fields of this type.
precision INT true Precision of the data in fields of this type.
scale INT true Scale of the data in fields of this type.
origin INT false Indicates whether the data type was created by a user or by the system. In real time mode, data types are created by the system.
createDateTime DATETIME false The date and time when the data type was created.
modifyDateTime DATETIME true The date and time when the data type was last modified.


Stores deployment configuration details.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID that identifies the deployment configuration.
name NVARCHAR 100 false The user defined display name associated with the deployment configuration.
serverGroupId VARCHAR 36 false The ID of the server group that the deployment configuration uses.
workspaceId VARCHAR 36 false The ID of the workspace that the deployment configuration is associated with.
deployed INT false Indicates whether the deployment configuration has been deployed.
origin INT false Indicates whether the deployment configuration was created by a user or by the system. In real time mode, deployment configurations are created by the system.
systemLogLevel INT false An integer that represents the logging level associated with the deployment configuration.
inputMode INT false An integer that represents the input mode used for the deployment configuration. The user can choose from file, real time or queue, which will control the data source mapping and validation for the deployment
inputVersion INT false An integer that is used with the queue input mode. The user assigns a version number to the input version of the data being processed
outputVersion INT false An integer that is used with the queue input mode. The user assigns a version number to the output version of the data being processed
createDateTime DATETIME false The date and time when the deployment configuration was created.
modifyDateTime DATETIME true The date and time when the deployment configuration was last modified.


Stores histories of deployment configurations.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID that identifies the deployment configuration history record.
version INT false The sequential number per workspace and deployment configuration that identifies the deployment configuration version.
deploymentConfigurationId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the deployment configuration.
action NVARCHAR 50 false Indicates whether the deployment configuration was deployed or un-deployed.
status INT false The status of the deployment or undeployment: succeeded or failed.
message NVARCHAR 2000 true The message indicating that the action was successful, or an error message indicating why it failed.
actionDateTime DATETIME false The date and time when the action completed.
inputMode INT false An integer that represents the input mode used for the deployment configuration. The user can choose from file, real time or queue, which will control the data source mapping and validation for the deployment
inputVersion INT false An integer that is used with the queue input mode. The user assigns a version number to the input version of the data being processed
outputVersion INT false An integer that is used with the queue input mode. The user assigns a version number to the output version of the data being processed


Stores the relationship between a deployment configuration and notification files for that configuration.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the notification.
deploymentConfigurationId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the deployment configuration.
scriptFileName NVARCHAR 50 false The name of the notification batch file.


Stores a list of the available file connectors and various attributes.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID that represents the encoding used by feed files.
name NVARCHAR 20 false The name that the system uses to determine what file encoding to use.
displayName NVARCHAR 100 false The display name shown in the list of encodings in the user interface.


Stores a list of the available file connectors and various attributes.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID that represents the file connector.
fileName NVARCHAR 100 false The name of the feed file that is associated with the file connector.
currencyLocaleId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the currency locale that is associated with the file connector.
dateLocaleId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the date locale that is associated with the file connector.
encodingId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the file encoding that is associated with the file connector.


Stores locale information.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID associated with the locale information.
language NCHAR 3 false The language associated with the locale.
country NCHAR 2 false The country associated with the locale.
variant NVARCHAR 100 true The variant, if any, associated with the locale.
displayName NVARCHAR 100 false The display name for the locale.


Stores details about named value list items.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID that represents the named value list item.
nameValueListId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID associated with the named value list.
name NVARCHAR 100 false The display name of the list item.
value NVARCHAR 100 false The value of the list item.
createDateTime DATETIME false The date and time when the list item was created.
modifyDateTime DATETIME true The date and time when the list item was last modified.


Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the named value list.
name NVARCHAR 100 false The user defined name of the list.
description NVARCHAR 200 true The user defined description of the list.
dataTypeId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the data type assigned to the list items.
origin INT false Indicates whether the named value list was created by a user or by the system. In real time mode, named value lists are created by the system.
createDateTime DATETIME false The date and time when the list was created.
modifyDateTime DATETIME true The date and time when the list was last modified.


Stores details about the partition.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID associated with the partition.
name NVARCHAR 100 false The name of the partition.
createDateTime DATETIME false The date and time when the partition record was created.
modifyDateTime DATETIME true The date and time when the partition record was last modified.


Stores information necessary to connect to a queue.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the queue connector.
queueType INT false An integer value that represents the type of queue service that is being used.
queueName NVARCHAR 100 false The name of the queue.
initialContext NVARCHAR 200 false
providerURL NVARCHAR 200 false
connectionFactory NVARCHAR 100 false
sharable INT true Indicates whether the queue connector can be shared across server groups.
userId NVARCHAR 50 false The user name for the account that the system uses to access the queue server.
password NVARCHAR 150 false The password for the account that the system uses to access the queue server.


Stores information for RealTime connections, used in real time mode.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID associated with the RealTime connector.


Stores the most recent run configuration for a deployment configuration that was run as a batch run.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID that identifies the run configuration.
deploymentConfigurationId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the deployment configuration.
artificialTransaction INT true Indicates whether the user chose to use artificial transaction mode for a run.
bClearState INT true Indicates whether the user chose to clear the state history before starting the batch run.
bNotification INT true Indicates whether the user chose to have a notification sent at the completion of the batch run.
runInRecovery INT true Indicates whether the user chose to run the job in recovery mode.
defaultFeedPath NVARCHAR 255 true The default feed path for all file data sources used in the run. This can override the default feed path on the server group definition.
inactivityMode INT true Stores the inactivity mode for the system.
inactivityDate DATETIME true The inactivity date that was used for processing inactivities.
systemLogLevel INT false An integer that represents the logging level associated with the batch run.


Stores server names and the number of Run Time Instances (RTI) to launch on the server.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the server.
serverName NVARCHAR 50 false The name of the server.
createDateTime DATETIME false The date and time when the server record was created.
modifyDateTime DATETIME true The date and time when the server record was last modified.


Stores details about server group configurations.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the server group.
streamInstanceId VARCHAR 36 true The ID of the Streams instance associated with the server group.
name NVARCHAR 50 false The name of the server group.
usage NVARCHAR 200 true The usage of the Server Group: production, test, or development.
rtDatabaseConnectionId VARCHAR 36 false The ID of the database connection that the system uses used to connect to the run time database.
forProduction INT true Indicates whether the server group is designated for production use. Use of production server groups is restricted to users with the correct permissions.
createDateTime DATETIME false The date and time when the server group record was created.
modifyDateTime DATETIME true The date and time when the server group record was last modified.


Stores the Streams instance IDs.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the connector that is associated with the Streams instance.
instanceId NVARCHAR 100 false The unique ID of the Streams instance.


Stores information necessary to connect to a database table.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the table connector.
tableName NVARCHAR 100 false The name of the database table that the connector is associated with.
sharable INT true Indicates whether the table connector can be shared by other server groups.
contentType NVARCHAR 50 true The type of data stored in the table: state or outcome.


Stores information for TCP connections, used in real time mode.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID associated with the TCP connector.


Stores information about the application installation.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the version information record.
version NVARCHAR 100 false The version number of Opportunity Detection at the time of installation or upgrade.
task NVARCHAR 500 true Indicates whether the instance was created by an install or upgrade.
message NVARCHAR 100 true Information about the installation version and the installation type: base install or upgrade.
createDateTime DATETIME false The date and time when the version record was created.


Stores information about workspaces.

Field Type Length Null? Description
id VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID associated with the workspace.
partitionId VARCHAR 36 false The partition associated with the workspace.
name NVARCHAR 100 false The name of the workspace.
description NVARCHAR 200 true The description of the workspace.
publishedDateTime DATETIME true The date and time when the workspace was last published.
status INT false Indicates whether the workspace is ready to run.
origin INT false Indicates whether the workspace was created by a user or by the system. In real time mode, workspaces are created by the system.
deployedDateTime DATETIME true The date and time when the workspace was last deployed.
createDateTime DATETIME false The date and time when the workspace record was created.
modifyDateTime DATETIME true The date and time when the workspace was last modified.


Stores the relationships between the components.

Field Type Length Null? Description
componentId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the component that is dependant upon another component.
referenceId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the component that is being referenced..
relationship INT false The numerical value that represents the relationship as either parent or child.


Stores the relationships between custom data types and components.

Field Type Length Null? Description
componentId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the component.
customTypeId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the select or container custom fields referenced by the component.


Stores the relationship between deployment configurations and a data sources.

Field Type Length Null? Description
connectorId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the connector used in the deployment configuration.
dataSourceId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the data source associated with the connection in the deployment configuration.
databaseConnectionId VARCHAR 36 true The unique ID of the database connection used in the deployment configuration.
deploymentConfigurationId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the deployment configuration.


Stores the relationship between a server group and the available database connections.

Field Type Length Null? Description
serverGroupId VARCHAR 36 true The unique ID of the server group.
databaseConnectionId VARCHAR 36 true The unique ID of the database connection used in the server group.


Stores the relationship between server groups and data sources.

Field Type Length Null? Description
connectorId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the connector associated with a data source.
dataSourceId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the data source.
databaseConnectionId VARCHAR 36 true The unique ID of the database connection.
serverGroupId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the server group.


Stores the association between data source fields and components that use them.

Field Type Length Null? Description
componentId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the component.
dataSourceFieldId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the data source field that is being referenced by a component.


Stores the association between a named value item and components that use them.

Field Type Length Null? Description
componentId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the component.
nameValueItemId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the named item value field that is being referenced by a component.


Stores the relationship between the Streams servers and instances.

Field Type Length Null? Description
serverId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the Streams server.
streamInstanceId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of a database connection.
numberOfEngines INT true The number of Streams instances on the server.


Stores the relationship between components and a workspace.

Field Type Length Null? Description
workspaceId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the workspace.
componentId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the component that belongs to the workspace.
ready INT false Indicates whether the component is ready for deployment and has passed all validation.


Stores the workspace favorites for a particular user

Field Type Length Null? Description
workspaceId VARCHAR 36 false The unique ID of the workspace.
userId INT false The id of the user from the platform database