Generating an authentication token

Before using any API, generate an authentication token using login API as mentioned in the following menthod:

POST https://<deliver_host>/deliverui/api/deliver/rest/v1/login
Request Header:
m_user_name: {deliver_account_user_name}
m_user_password: {deliver_account_password}


The earlier mentioned API will return a token which should be used in subsequent APIs.

Example: A CURL request for login API for Unica Deliver US datacenter:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'm_user_name: <USER>' \
--header 'm_user_password: <PASSWORD>'

If the username and password combination is valid, it returns a 200 OK response with payload similar to the following example:

    "m_tokenId": "1661234885892-69-zQEqQ6n5-XmV3-W3PhU3p4-eOQ7-0ohb1tKA",
    "createDate": "Tue Aug 23 06:08:05 UTC 2022",
    "m_user_name": "a38test"

This token is typically valid for 30 minutes.