Establishing a hosted account with Unica

When you purchase a message subscription, Unica creates a hosted account on your behalf and sends you the account credentials that you will need to use message features. You apply these credentials when you configure your local HCL Unica applications to access the hosted environment over secure connections.

You must have a valid account to access the message resources that Unica provides as a software service. If your HCL Unica installation includes multiple partitions and you plan to use message in more than one partition, you need a hosted account and atleast one service provider for SMS, Push, and Whatsapp depending on services you need for each partition. You cannot share accounts across installations or partitions.

Establishing a hosted account is the beginning of the startup process, which lasts for approximately 90 days. You can subscribe to SMS, Push and Whatsapp depending on services you need as per the requirements. For a general description of the process, see the next topic.