Previewing conditionalized content

You can preview conditionalized content in the Preview section of the Deliver Message Editor.

About this task

The Preview section displays a preview of the assembled Deliver document and a list of all personalization fields added to the document. The list includes any default values defined as sample data for personalization fields.

In the list of personalization fields, the Conditonal content indicator icon appears next to personalization fields added to zones containing multiple content elements. This icon identifies fields associated with multi-element conditionalized content.


  1. In the communication editor for the Deliver document that you want to preview, click Preview Preview button.

    The Preview section displays a preview of the assembled document and a list of personalization fields.

  2. In the preview document, find the conditionalized content that you want to preview.
  3. In the list of personalization fields, find the personalization fields used in the personalization rules that control display of the conditional content that you want to preview.
  4. In the Value field, enter a new value for a personalization field.
    Observe the change in the conditional content displayed in the preview document.