How predictive modeling works in Unica Campaign flowcharts

The SPSS® Model process takes a single input cell for which you specify a target field to indicate what you want to predict.

For example, if you want to predict responders and non-responders, your target field might have ones for responders and zeros for non-responders. Your target field might also contain numeric values, to indicate profitability or revenue, or a categorical variable, for predicting the preferred channel or time of day for contact.

You can create a predictive model in IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition to do any of the following tasks:

  • Identify who is most likely to respond to an offer.
  • Determine the expected value or profitability of an individual who receives an offer.
  • Determine the next best action, such as cross-selling a product or service, for the target audience.
  • Cluster individuals into similar groups for analysis and targeting.

How and where to create models

You can create new predictive models, either before or during flowchart creation, or use existing modeling streams:

  • Create a modeling stream in IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition from within an Unica Campaign flowchart.
  • Use an existing IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition modeling stream within an Unica Campaign flowchart to rebuild the model by using the input data from the flowchart.
  • Use a modeling stream that was created with SPSS® Modeler Advantage (non-marketing edition) or with SPSS® Modeler. You must make sure that the modeling stream can be loaded by IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition. The prerequisites for using a modeling stream that was created in SPSS® Modeler are described in the "Sharing Streams" topic in the SPSS® Modeler Advantage Guide.
Note: For integration with Unica Campaign, the modeling stream must contain the numeric field SPSS_AudID, which is the key field for the modeling stream.

Additional tasks

You can automatically build models on a recurring schedule by using the SPSS® Model process box in an Unica Campaign flowchart. You can then access the modeling stream from the SPSS® Model process box in Unica Campaign to view and edit modeling options. You can evaluate the model and view the SPSS® Model performance reports.

You can also manually open the modeling stream through the IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition interface.