Upgrading Campaign

You can upgrade HCL® Campaign to version 10.0 from versions 8.6.x and above.

About this task

To upgrade from a version earlier than 8.6.x, you must first follow instructions in the upgrade chapter of the HCL Unica Campaign 8.6 Installation Guide to upgrade to version 8.6. Then follow the instructions in this guide to upgrade to version 10.0.

Upgrading from Campaign 8.6.x and above is considered an in-place upgrade. You must install the new version into the same directory as your current installation of Campaign, so Campaign can detect the upgrade.

Note: If you plan to upgrade to a clustered Campaign listener configuration, be sure to read Upgrading to a clustered listener environment.

The following steps provide an overview of the tasks that you must complete to upgrade Campaign:

  1. For installations on AIX®, unload unused libraries from memory before you run the installer in upgrade mode.
  2. Undeploy Campaign.
  3. Run the HCL® Marketing Software installer and the Campaign installer in the Campaign installation directory. The installer automatically runs in upgrade mode. Follow the instructions in the HCL Campaign Installation Guide v10.0 when you run the installers.
  4. Run the pre-upgrade utility in pre-upgrade mode (preUpgradeTool.bat or preUpgradeTool.sh).
  5. Run the upgrade tool (acUpgradeTool).
  6. You must clear the browser cache after you complete the upgrade. You must also clear the browser cache after you apply any Campaign fix pack or Campaign interim fix that updates the Campaign application.
  7. Upgrade your reports as explained in the HCL Marketing Software Reports Installation and Configuration Guide.

Important notes for eMessage users

eMessage is installed or upgraded as part of Campaign. If you currently use or plan to use eMessage, see Upgrade considerations for eMessage.

Note: When you upgrade eMessage, there is no need to select Automatic DB Setup. This option is intended only for new installations, when the eMessage system tables do not already exist.

Important notes for IBM Campaign users who are upgrading to Campaign with non-root user permissions:

If you are upgrading to Campaign with the non-root user permissions, then you have to add the user into the Sudo list for the GSKIT components to be installed successfully.

During the interactive installation process, you will be prompted to enter SUDO password for the non-root user. On providing the SUDO password, the installation would be completed and the GSKIT Components would be installed successfully.

If you are performing silent mode installation, and you do not want the system to prompt you for the SUDO Password, you could set NOPASSWD to the sudo user. If you do not set NOPASSWD to the sudo user, then you would still be prompted for the SUDO Password.

However, if the user is not in SUDO list then the Campaign installer would still prompt you for the SUDO Password and the GSKIT components would not be installed. In this case user has to install GSKIT manually by running the $Campaign_Home/bin/IBM_Campaign_Crypto.bin utility with the root user permissions.

In case of Windows™ operating system, if the installation user is not an administrator, then the user has to manually run $Campaign_Home/bin/IBM_Campaign_Crypto.exe utility with the administrator user role to install the GSKIT components. You could check the GSKIT installation related logs in the campaign_stdout.log file.