Fixed Defects

The following table lists the fixed defects in Unica Centralized Offer Management 12.1.2

Issue ID Description
HMA-320809 Unica.ear not getting properly deployed on JBoss server, as it is getting issue while using COM features
HMA-327396 PRE: When SSDB attribute is opened in edit mode, loader should be displayed till its properly loaded.
HMA-323547 When attibute value dropdown under Offer Suppression in offer is having huge data, user is unable to scroll up properly once down.
HMA-330306 Minor issues with untranslated string at few places.
HMA-330105 Attributes added to parametrized/internal attribute, can not be dragged dropped to static section in template in create or edit template.
HMA-330509 Integrating multiple instances of HCL DX or WCM with single instance of COM is not supported in this release.