Creating folders

You can create folders to save offers and offer lists. You can also create sub-folders within a folder.

About this task

To create folders, complete the following steps:


  1. Select Offer > Offers.
    The All offers page appears.
  2. Click + Add folder.
    The Add folder dialog appears.
  3. Provide values for the following fields:
    • Display name - Mandatory.
    • Security policy - Mandatory.
    • Description - Optional.
  4. Click Save.
    By default, the folder resides in the All offers location.
    The success message appears in the All offers page.
  5. To create a sub-folder, select the newly created folder and perform steps 2 to 4 again. If you cannot see your newly created folder, refresh the Folders list. For more information on refreshing the Folders list, see Refreshing the folders list.
    Note: If you create a sub-folder, it inherits the Security policy of the parent folder.