Using Unica Content Integration

Unica Content Integration supports an additional third-party CMS and three additional media types.

About this task

Unica Content Integration supports the following third-party CMS:

  • Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)
  • HCL DX (DX)
  • HCL Digital Experience (DX Media)
  • Web Content Manager (WCM)

Based on the CMS that you select, Unica Content Integration supports the following media types:

Archives Documents Images Multimedia
AEM Yes Yes Yes Audio & Video
DX - - - -
DX Media No Yes Yes Video only
WCM Yes Yes Yes Audio & Video

To view content from third-party CMS, complete the following steps:


  1. Select the required CMS from Select repository.
  2. Select the required Content type.
  3. Enter the name of the required content artifact.
  4. Click the search icon.
    The list of available content artifacts for the searched term appears.
  5. Select the required artifact and click Done.