Known issues with the Chat Rooms widget

The Chat Rooms widget has several known issues.

Incorrect unread lines value
In this scenario, a user may see an incorrect value for the number of unread lines in a chat room:
  1. A user enters a chat room.
  2. The user enters lines of text.
  3. The Community page is refreshed.
  4. Those lines appear as unread lines.
No group support
The widget does not support group synchronization between Communities and chat rooms.
Editing the Community Name
When the widget is functioning correctly, removing and re-adding the widget to the Community page restores the list of chat rooms. To prevent the widget from restoring the list of chat rooms, complete these steps:
  1. Create chat rooms in the widget.
  2. Remove the widget.
  3. Rename the Community.
  4. Re-add the widget to the page.
The chat rooms are not restored because the widget retrieves the list of chat rooms based on the Community name. If the widget is not on the page when the Community is renamed, it is not aware of the name change and can not retrieve the chat room list.
No full page mode
The widget only supports a view mode; it does not support a full page mode.
Changing the widget sort order
The sort order of the chat rooms in the widget is defined by the sortChatRoomsBy value in the widgets-config.xml file, on the Connections server. If you update the sort order, all Communities which had previously added the widget will not sort by the updated sort order. To activate the updated sort order, you must remove the widget from the Community, and re-add it to the page.