Removing a node from a Sametime cluster

If you added a node to a cluster of IBM® Sametime® servers using a guided activity, delete that node's information from the Sametime System Console before you remove the node from the underlying IBM WebSphere® cluster.

About this task

These instructions apply to the following Sametime servers, but only if they were clustered using the guided activity:
  • Sametime Proxy Server
  • Sametime Conference Manager
  • Sametime SIP Proxy/Registrar
  • Sametime Meeting Server
  • Sametime Gateway
  • Sametime Advanced Server

The Sametime clustering guided activity created settings on the System Console so it can manage the cluster. Before you uninstall a server that belongs to a cluster, you must update the cluster settings on the System Console to remove references to the node where the server application is installed. This process removes the node from the cluster in Sametime, but does not affect the WebSphere Application Server settings. You will update WebSphere settings in subsequent tasks.

Run the updateWASCluster utility to delete the node's information from the Sametime System Console. This utility does not remove the node from the WebSphere cluster, it merely removes the reference to the node from the Sametime cluster information that was created when you the clustering guided activity. The purpose of this utility is to ensure that the Sametime information remains up-to-date when you modify the WebSphere cluster.


Complete this procedure for every node that you want to remove from the cluster.
  1. On every node that you want to remove from the cluster, update the file on by completing the following steps:
    1. Navigate to the install_root/IBM/WebSphere/cell_name/console directory.
    2. Open the file for editing.
    3. Fill in values for the following settings so that they are correct for the node you are currently removing from the cluster:
      Table 1. settings
      Property Value
      SSCHostName Type the fully qualified host name of the Sametime System Console server.
      SSCHTTPPort Type the HTTP port used for the Sametime System Console server if SSL is not enabled and the value for SSCSSLEnabled is "false."

      To determine the correct HTTP port, open the AboutThisProfile.txt file for the Sametime System Console Application Server Profile and use the setting specified for the "HTTP transport port." The default profile name is STSCAppProfile.

      SSCUserName Type the IBM WebSphere Application Server User ID that you created when you installed Sametime System Console. The default is wasadmin.
      SSCPassword Type the IBM WebSphere Application Server password associated with the SSCUserName.
    4. Save and close the file.
    5. Remember to repeat this process for each node that will be removed from the cluster.
  2. Now open the file (in the same folder) and verify that all of the settings are correct, changing settings as needed before you save and close the file.
    Note: Make sure you provide the password for your DB2® database in the DBAppPassword setting, as well as theSametime System Console administrator password in the WASPassword setting.
  3. Verify that the Sametime System Console has been started.
  4. Open a command window and run the utility with the following command:
    Important: You must include the -remove parameter. Otherwise, you will unregister the entire cluster rather than remove the one node.
    • IBM AIX®, or Linux™: ./ -remove
    • Microsoft™ Windows™: updateWASCluster.bat -remove
  5. When prompted, type the name of the cluster from which you are removing the node, and press Enter.

    When the utility has successfully removed the node information, it displays the following confirmation message: The node is successfully removed from the cluster deployment.


This utility removes the node from the specified cluster's settings and generates a log file called ConsoleUtility.log, which is stored in the console/log directory.