Federating the primary node into the cell on IBM i

After you create the primary node add the primary node to the deployment manager's cell on IBM® i. Adding the primary node to the cell allows a central point of administration for the network deployment by using the deployment manager's Integrated Solutions Console. You will not be able log into the primary node's Integrated Solutions Console after this step.

Before you begin

Expected state: the deployment manager is running.

About this task

For additional information about default paths, see Directory conventions.


  1. Make sure that the system clocks on the deployment manager and the primary node are within five minutes of each other and set for the same timezone. Federation fails if the clocks are not synchronized within five minutes.
  2. Ping the deployment manager node from the primary node to make sure the host name is resolvable.
  3. Log in to the IBM i system where the deployment manager node is installed as a user with administrative privileges.
  4. On the IBM i command line, run the STRQSH (Start Qshell) command.
  5. Navigate to the profile_root\bin directory for the deployment manager profile.
  6. Run the following command to obtain the SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS port number. Make a note of the port number as you will need it to add nodes to the cluster:
  7. Log in to the IBM i system, where the primary node is installed, with administrative privileges.
  8. On the IBM i command line, run the STRQSH (Start Qshell) command.
  9. Navigate to the profile_root\bin directory for the primary node profile.
  10. Run the following command to add the primary node to the deployment manager's cell:
    addNode DM_server_host_name DM_SOAP_port -includeapps
     -username WAS_Admin_user_name_on_DM_on_DM -password WAS_Admin_password_on_DM 
    • DM_server_host_name is the resolvable host name of the deployment manager.
    • DM_SOAP_port is the port that the deployment manager's SOAP port is listening on.
    • WAS_Admin_username_on_DM is the user ID of the WebSphere® Application Server administrator account on the deployment manager.
    • WAS_Admin_password_on_DM is the password associated with that WebSphere Application Server administrator account on the deployment manager.
    For example:
    addNode gateway_dm.acme.com 8880 -includeapps -username wasadmin -password waspassword
  11. When prompted, provide the deployment manager's administrative user ID and password.
    Wait for the operation to complete before proceeding. Look for a success message similar to the following when complete:
    Node MyserverNodePrimary has been successfully federated.
  12. To verify that the primary node has joined the deployment manager's cell, log into the Integrated Solutions Console (http://localhost:9060/ibm/console) using your administrative user ID and password and click Servers > Application servers. Make sure you can see the primary node's information.

    If you already logged in, you must log out and then log in again before you can see changes.