Example: Writing custom messages for clients

You can create a branding plugin that shows a custom message in the user's "New contact" screen or in the login screen. For example, when you are creating a message for the new contact screen, if you connect a particular community to a public instant messaging network, you may want to tell the users which community to use to add a contact from that public network. This branding feature accepts text only.


This is a sample branding plug-in:
            name="Custom Sametime Messages">
         <messages class="mypackage.Messages"/>


Following are some Sample Messages.java:

import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
private static final String BUNDLE_NAME = "messages";//$NON-NLS-1$
// Add Contacts dialog message for single community
public static String 
// Add Contacts dialog message for multiple communities
public static String 
static {
NLS.initializeMessages(BUNDLE_NAME, Messages.class);}}

Following are Sample resourcebundle messages.properties

Add a new contact by entering a name below.
Customize me:
Add a new contact by selecting the community where the contact exists.  
Enter the user's name (or email address if adding an external contact.)