
Returns a list of users that are granted access to the specified capabilities on this route.


getUsers routeUid, capability, index, pageSize
Table 1. getUsers syntax
Parameter Data type Description
routeUid string UID of route between the local and external community.
capability integer Numerical index for capabilities. Only 2 (return all capabilities) is valid. Do not use 0 or 1.
  • 0 returns instant messaging
  • 1 returns presence
  • 2 returns all capabilities
index integer Page at which to start returning pages specified by pageSize. For example, if index is 0 and pageSize is 10, the command returns pages 1 to 10. If the index is 1 and the pageSize is 18, the command returns pages 2 to 19.
pageSize integer Number of pages of users to return.


The getUsers command returns a list of users associated with the specified capability on the named route for the named community. Capabilities are numerically indexed but only 2 is valid. Additionally, the command returns pageSize entries at a time starting at index. User operations may only be performed on all capabilities.


set ons [$AdminControl completeObjectName type=RTCAdminMbean,*]
set local [$AdminControl invoke $ons getLocalCommunityName]
$AdminControl invoke $ons getUsers "$somerouteuid 2 0 10"