Installation road map

The installation road map lists the high-level steps for installing your product. Reviewing the high-level steps before you start the installation process helps you be prepared when prompted for information during the installation.

  1. Verify that your computer meets the minimum hardware and software requirements for installing the product.
  2. Verify that your user ID meets the access requirements for installing and configuring the product.
  3. Install MongoDB as the Sametime database. Sametime uses MongoDB to store configuration information, contact lists, chat history, and reserved meeting rooms.
  4. Setup and configure the LDAP directory to authenticate and store user information.
  5. Setup the environment. Sametime can be installed in a Docker, Podman, or Kubernetes environment.
  6. Install the Sametime Premium or Sametime product.
  7. Configure the client.
  8. Manage clients with policies.
  9. Configure servers and open ports for mobile users.