Getting help and reporting problems

You can access the online Android Users Guide and contact support from the Help and Support screen.

About this task

From the Help and Support screen, you can navigate to online help documentation, view logs, and send logs.


  1. Tap the menu icon and then tap Help and Support.
    • Tap HCL Sametime Help to open the guide in a browser window. You can also access other Sametime documents at the same site.
    • Tap Report a Problem to send logs to HCL Support, and select your default email application. The email is populated with the support contact email, logs, and a subject line. The support email address is You can add additional information at the beginning of the email. Tap Send to send the email.
    • Tap View Log to open the Log Viewer. From the Log Viewer screen, you can refresh the log, clear the log content, and send the log to another person. When sending the log it is sent as a zip file as

      You must have enable trace logging active for logs to be captured. To enable, tap Settings > Troubleshooting.

  2. Tap the return icon to return to the Help and Support screen.