Meeting reports

Meeting reports provide details about meeting attendees, such as the amount of time they attended a meeting.

Settings in the meeting policy determine the ability of meeting owners to obtain meeting reports. The administrator configures policy settings. If the administrator enables reporting, the following reports are available:
Lists participants in a meeting. Sametime generates this report during the meeting. The moderate can generate this report multiple times during a meeting.
Available after a meeting ends, it records general information about the meeting.
Available after a meeting ends, it contains detail information about the meeting including participants.
The following table shows what's available in each report.
Table 1. Report information
Information Summary Report Full Report Participant Report
Meeting details include: date, start and end times, and duration. This report indicates whether someone moderated, guests could attend, attendees required passwords , and whether attendees could dial-in . x x x
The time the app generated the report. x
A list of participants and the time they joined and left the meeting. x x x
A list of moderators x x
A list of moderators x
A list of presenters. x
A link to the recording of meeting, if recorded x
An log of meeting activities. x
Transcript that contains chat messages. x