Sametime Meetings

High availability is supported for the front end web traffic to the Kubernetes cluster. You can deploy multiple web front-ends on different physical/virtual nodes pointing to the same back end in order to both distribute load and survive a node outage.

Is Kubernetes required for High availability?

High availability is not supported for active meetings. If a server hosting a meeting goes down, users in meetings on that server are briefly interrupted. A re-connection timer built into the client causes clients to quickly re-connect and be distributed to another available node. In some circumstances, a server going down causes a client to disconnect from a meeting. Users can quickly re-connect to the meeting from their recent meetings list and join again on an available server momentarily.

How to configure Mongodb cluster information on Sametime 11.6 Meeting server?

For Docker

In the custom.env configuration file on the Meeting server, update the MONGO_ URL field. To build the mongodb URL, refer to Mongodb document (on replicaset tab):

For K8s

You may not able to provide mongodb cluster information directly when running prepareDeployement. Please follow below step to update Mongodb cluster info:
  1. Provide a single node mongodb info while running prepareDeployement.

  2. When prepareDeployement is done, prepare your mongodb cluster URL. (For how to build mongodb URL , you can refer to Mongodb document:

  3. Use Base64 encoding to encrypt your mongodb URL. (Many online websites that provide Base64 encoding, or you can set up one on your own).

  4. Use kubectl command to update secret config file – sametime-meetings-global-secrets.
     kubectl edit secret sametime-meetings-global-secrets
  5. Inside sametime-meetings-global-secrets, locate MongoConnectionUrl section. Replace its value to the value you get from step.3.

  6. Save.

Note: In mongdb URL, if the username or password includes the following characters:: / ? # [ ] @, those characters must be converted using percent encoding