Installing Sametime Meetings on Docker

This section provides information on installing Sametime Meetings on Docker.

About this task

To deploy Sametime meetings on docker:


  1. Download HCL Sametime Meetings pre-release 11.5 file from Flexnet.
  2. Extract the zip file to any directory.
  3. Update custom.env file.
    Rules to update the custom.env file:
    • Each line in an env file to be in VAR=VAL format.
    • Lines beginning with "#" are processed as comments and ignored.
    • Blank lines are ignored.
    • There is no special handling of quotation marks. This means that they are part of the VAL.
    Specify the following parameters in the custom.env file.
    Table 1. parameters
    Description Required Setting
    Mandatory configuration before running meeting server. Yes
    Host name or IP address of the Sametime Proxy v11.5 host. 
    Port of the Sametime Proxy v11.5 host. Default is 443.
    This should be defined as the fully qualified host name of the system as you would expect users to access via a web browser. Do not add http or https before the name. Default is
    Configure these two values as you would expect to have single-sign-on with your Sametime Proxy server.

    For example, if the proxy is "" and the meetings server is "" then you should use "" for these two fields so that cookies can be shared between the two deployments.

    If you do not have single-sign-on concerns, you should set the value exactly to the value set in the REACT_APP_MEETING_SERVER_HOSTNAME so that access cookies are sent by the browser only to the meeting server.
    If SAML is used for authentication, this is the IDP URL defined in that configuration. Default is empty.
    IP address of the Docker host. Check LAN configuration of the system. If the host has multiple interfaces, choose the one which is considered the routable IP for the host.
    Note: The DOCKER_HOST_ADDRESS must be set to a routable IP address for the Meeting server. This can be the public IP address.
    These are the number of days a meeting recording will be available for download/playback. Default is 3.
    Public URL for the web service. Add http or https followed by meeting server host name. If you have configured "" as your host name then your PUBLIC_URL will as below.
  4. Optional: In the custom.env file the default system time zone is:
    # System time zone.

    If desired, update to the local time zone. By setting to the local time zone, the logging time stamps will be accurate to the host system time.

  5. Before running ./ edit permissions to by running chmod 777
    The script will load and run the following list of docker images.
    • meetings-auth.node
    • meetings-recordings.node
    • meetings-web
    • meetings-prosody
    • meetings-jicofo
    • meetings-jvb
    • meetings-jigasi
    • meetings-jibri

  6. To load and initialize the Docker images, change to the directory where you extracted the zip file and run the following command:
    > ./
  7. To verify that the Meetings Server is running, run the following commands:
    Show all the loaded docker images
    >docker images

    List all running containers in docker engine
    $docker ps

  8. Optional: To enable Docker for auto start, run the following commands.
    > systemctl daemon-reload
          > systemctl enable docker
          > systemctl restart docker

What to do next

Enable Sametime Community for Meetings.