Create a meeting

To create a new personal meeting, tap the My Meeting tab on the Meetings screen and then tap the + icon to display the new Meeting dialog.

To create a meeting:
  1. Give a name to your personal meeting.
    Note: The Meeting name must be unique. The Save button will not enable until the name is unique.
  2. Tap Meeting Password switch if you want to add a password.
    Note: The minimum length of the password must be 8 characters.
  3. Tap Moderated Meeting switch to enable moderator controls.
    Note: This option allows only you and moderators that you designate to start and control the other aspects of the meeting.
  4. Tap Allow guest access switch if you want to allow non-authenticated users to join your meeting.
  5. Tap Conference Dial-in if you want to enable dial in support for this meeting.
    Note: This option is only available if your organization has provisioned Conference dial-in.
  6. Tap Save to return to the My Meetings where your meeting will be saved at the top of the list.