Installing the SafeLinx server and the SafeLinx Administrator client

Install the SafeLinx server and then the SafeLinx Administrator client.

Before you begin

Complete the steps described in Preparing for SafeLinx for Nomad.


  1. Install the SafeLinx server:
    1. Switch to the installer directory created previously in which you copied the install files:

    2. Extract the SafeLinx server installer:
      tar -xvf HCL-SafeLinx-<version>-x86_64.tar.gz

    3. List the new inst.images directory that contains the SafeLinx server installer:

    4. Switch to the inst.images directory and list the files:
      cd inst.images

    5. Install the SafeLinx server:
      sudo ./install_wg
      The following message is shown, indicating that the SafeLinx server detects the MySQL ODBC drivers:
      MYSQL ODBC drivers were found on this machine and will be used by the Connection Manager. MySQL Client was found with version: 8.0.25

    6. Complete the SafeLinx server installation. When prompted, enter y for SAML Service provider support (only if required) and enter y to start SafeLinx when the system boots.
      Install SAML Service Provider support? [y] 
      Start SafeLinx when the system boots? [y]

  2. Install the SafeLinx Administrator client:
    1. Switch to the installer directory created previously in which you copied the install files.

    2. Install the SafeLinx Administrator client:
      sudo rpm -ivh HCL-SafeLinx-wgcfg-<version>.x86_64.rpm
  3. Optional: Copy the certificate file from the cert directory created previously to the SafeLinx server application directory, /opt/hcl/SafeLinx. If you skip this step, you must specify an absolute path to the certificate file when you configure the SafeLinx server in the next procedure.
    1. Use the cd command to switch to the cert directory:

    2. Copy slselfsign.p12 to the directory/opt/hcl/SafeLinx:
      Note: As stated previously, although this example uses a self-signed certificate, in a production environment, using a third-party certificate issued by a trusted certificate authority is recommended.
      sudo cp slselfsign.p12 /opt/hcl/SafeLinx/

What to do next

Continue to the procedure Configuring the SafeLinx server for Nomad