Configuring the build and the monitoring settings

To monitor your cyclic executive application with HCL OneTest Embedded, you must enable the compilation and monitoring build settings and configure some parameters related to the communication and libraries that are used to monitor your application.

About this task


  1. Right-click in your project node.
  2. Click Properties.
    The Properties window opens.
  3. Select C/C++ Build > Settings in the Properties window.
  4. Click the Build TDP tab, click Target Deployment Port > Linker Options and set the appropriate library in Libraries to enable compilation with a socket library as follows:
    • For Windows, enter ws2_32.lib as the default library operating system.
      Note: You must set this option only if you use the default socket communication mode, otherwise go to step 8 to select another type of communication.
      Attention: If you use Microsoft Visual C++ from version 2015, you must also enter the following libraries: legacy_stdio_definitions.lib in Libraries after ws2_32.lib. So, you must have the ws2_32.lib,legacy_stdio_definitions.lib Libraries.
    • For Linux, enter -lwsock32 as the default library operating system.
  5. From the Build Settings tab, click Settings > General > Selective instrumentation.
  6. In Build options, click Application profiling > ... and select Application profiling in the Build Options dialog box.
  7. From the Build Settings tab, click Settings > Application profiling > Monitoring and set Activate to yes. You can keep the default settings for the other parameters.
  8. Select the Communication type for communication between HCL OneTest Embedded and the target application. SOCKET is the default communication mode. To use a customized communication mode, select USER.
  9. Select Yes in Cyclic read allowed to allow cyclic reads of the global variables in your application.
    Note: You must allocate memory to your application to complete cyclic reads. If you can't allocate memory to your application, you must select No in the preceding step.
  10. Select the default frequency of the streaming process if you enabled a cyclic read. The default scale factor is set to 10. This value is a multiplying factor that applies to the cyclic read frequency that is set in the function code with the pragma. This multiplying factor can also be changed in the monitoring view.
  11. Select one of the following modes in Bit Fields support:
    • NONE: If your application doesn't use bit fields in order to reduce memory consumption used by the runtime application, use this option.
    • Read only mode: If you want to run the application and read only the values, select this option. You can't write any values.
    • Read and Write mode: If you want to be able to write the variable values, select this option.

  12. If you enabled Bit Fields support, select Little endian or Big endian order in Bit Fields Order:
  13. Click Apply.
    Note: If you change the settings, then you must clean and re-build your project. See Building a project for monitoring for more details.
    The monitoring feature is enabled and the settings are configured. You can start building your application.

What to do next

Clean and build your project, and then start your application.