Test automation commands for running monitoring scripts and creating reports

You can run automatic monitoring scripts with commands by using a .jar file that contains libraries. You must set several parameters to run a monitoring script and generate a report.

To run test scripts and generate result reports from commands, you must use the MonitoringPlayer.jar file that is saved with the installation files in one the following folders:
  • Windows: <HCL OneTest Embedded installation directory>/bin/intel/win32/MonitoringPlayer.jar.
  • Linux: <HCL OneTest Embedded installation directory>/bin/intel/linux_64/MonitoringPlayer.jar

In the Windows command line or Linux shell, enter a command to run a script or generate a report.

  • Enter the following command to see all the available parameters and options:
    java -jar MonitoringPlayer.jar
    The command generates a list of files that are used to monitor an application:
    • mntfile
    • inputfile
    • output file
    • template file
    See Monitoring script files: Edits and updates to read the details about each file.
  • Enter the following command to run the mnt script. No report is generated. Log traces are displayed when the connection to the application finishes and when the script run is complete.
    java -jar MonitoringPlayer.jar <mnt file> <inputfile>
  • Enter the following command to run the mnt script and generate a JSON report. Log traces are displayed to show when connection to application finishes, and when the test run is complete.
    java -jar MonitoringPlayer.jar <mnt file> <inputfile> <outputfile>
    See an example of JSON report that can be generated:
  • Enter the following command to run the mnt script and generate an HTML report:
    java -jar MonitoringPlayer.jar <mnt file> <inputfile> <outputfile> <template file>
Important: Add quotation marks to the parameter values if they contain spaces.

The default report is saved to <HCL OneTest Embedded installation directory>/bin/intel/win32/reports/monitoring.template or <HCL OneTest Embedded installation directory>/bin/intel/linux_64/reports/monitoring.template.

See an example of an HTML report: