Overview of the etx index parameters

The following table summarizes the index parameters you can use to customize the etx index.
Index parameter Brief description Valid values Default
CHAR_SET Specifies the character set translation table that the index uses. ASCII, ISO, or OVERLAP_ISO, or the name of an existing user-defined character set ASCII
FILTER Specifies whether documents are to be filtered before they are indexed and, if so, how the filter handles errors. NONE, STOP_ON_ERROR, or CONTINUE_ON_ERROR NONE
INCLUDE_STOPWORDS Specifies that the stopwords in the list specified by the STOPWORD_LIST index parameter are to be indexed. TRUE or FALSE must be used together with the STOPWORD_LIST index parameter FALSE
PHRASE_SUPPORT Specifies the accuracy level of phrase searches. NONE, MEDIUM, or MAXIMUM NONE
STOPWORD_LIST Specifies the list of stopwords that will not be indexed. Value must be an existing stopword list No default
WORD_SUPPORT Specifies the type of keyword searches the index will support. EXACT or PATTERN EXACT
Index parameters are specified in the USING clause of the CREATE INDEX statement when you create an etx index. The parameters must always take the form parameter='value', such as CHAR_SET='ISO', as shown in the following example:
CREATE INDEX reports_idx2 ON reports (title etx_char_ops)
    USING etx (STOPWORD_LIST = 'my_stopwordlist',
    CHAR_SET = 'ISO') IN sbsp1;
Restriction: You cannot change the characteristics of an etx index after you have created it. The only way to change a customized etx index is to drop and recreate it.