
This section provides a step-by-step procedure for setting up and performing text searches by using the OneDB® Excalibur Text Search DataBlade® module.

This section covers the following topics:
  • How to create and populate a text search table
  • How to create and use word lists
  • How to create and use a user-defined character set
  • How to create an etx index
  • How to perform text search queries
  • How to highlight text
The following table lists the steps you must take to set up and use the OneDB Excalibur Text Search DataBlade Module.
Step What you must do See
1 Create a table that contains a text search column Create a table containing a text search column
2 Populate the table with text search data Populate the table with text search data
3 Create word lists and a user-defined character set Create word lists and a user-defined character set
4 Create an etx index Create an etx index
5 Perform text search queries Perform text search queries
6 Highlight text Highlighting