Create an index on a filtered column

When you create an index with the CREATE INDEX statement, you can set the FILTER index parameter to specify that you want to filter formatting information from the documents before they are added to the etx index.

The following statement creates an etx index on the abstract column of the my_table table and specifies that the documents in the abstract column should be filtered before they are added to the index:
CREATE INDEX abstract_index ON my_table (abstract etx_clob_ops)

You can enable filtering on columns of all seven data types supported by the OneDB® Excalibur Text Search DataBlade® module: CHAR, VARCHAR, BLOB, CLOB, LVARCHAR, IfxDocDesc, and IfxMRData.

The FILTER index parameter can be set to three values: NONE (the default value), STOP_ON_ERROR, or CONTINUE_ON_ERROR.