How can I edit an embedded object?

About this task

You can edit an embedded OLE object's data by launching the original application from IBM® Notes®. If you're using Windows®, and the original application supports OLE 2.0, you can also edit in-place using the application's commands and toolbar directly in Notes®.

How can I edit an embedded OLE object in the original application (out-of-place)?


  1. With the document in Edit mode, highlight the object (single-click).
  2. Click Object Menu > Open.
  3. Edit the data in the original application.
  4. Click File > Exit & Return to Notes (or the application's command equivalent).
  5. To save the new data in Notes®, click File > Save.

How can I edit an embedded OLE object in Notes (in-place)?

You can edit in-place if the source application supports OLE2.


  1. With the document in Edit mode, double-click the object.
  2. Edit the data.The IBM® Notes® menu bar contains commands provided by the server application (as well as the Notes® File commands). You can use the server application's commands and toolbar to edit the data directly in Notes®.
  3. Click anywhere in the document outside the object.
  4. To save the new data in Notes®,click File > Save.
    Note: If an OLE2 object is very large (for example, a spreadsheet containing several hundred lines), it's best not to edit the object in-place. Instead, click the object and click Object Menu > Open. Then edit the object in the application's window.