Distributed transaction support

Informix® OLE DB Provider supports distributed transactions coordinated by MS DTC.

Beginning with Windows™ 2003, if the XA DLL registry entry is not created during installation, you must specifically create it. Informix OLE DB Provider version 3.0 uses IfmxConn.dll as the XA library. Enter the name of the DLL only; do not enter the entire DLL path name in MS DTC with user-specified DLLs.

When you upgrade to Windows XP Professional SP2 or Windows Server 2003, XA transactions are disabled, which protects MS DTC from denial-of-service attacks. To enable XA transactions, see the Microsoft™ XA Transaction Support information located at .

MDAC 2.8 SP1 requires Informix OLE DB Provider version 3.0 or later to function properly with MS DTC.