cdr check catalog

The cdr check catalog command compares the metadata information related to servers, replicates and replicate sets on replication servers for any inconsistency.


>>-cdr check catalog--+--------------------+------------->
                               |               (1) |   
                               '-| Connect Option  |-----'   
>--+- --master=data_server-----+---------------------------------->                   

       V               |                            
      '- --all---------' 

   '- --verbose-'
  1. See Connect Option.
Element Purpose Restrictions Syntax
target_server Name of a database server group to check. Must be the name of an existing database server group in the sqlhosts file. Long identifiers

The following table describes the options to cdr check catalog.

Long Form Short Form Meaning
--all -a Specifies that master server metadata info is compared to metadata info on all servers in ER domain.
--master= -m Specifies the database server to use as the reference copy of the data.
--verbose -v Specifies that the consistency report shows all comparisons.


Use cdr check catalog command to compare the metadata information related to servers, replicates and replicate sets on replication servers for any inconsistency. If you include the --verbose option, the report lists every comparison for metadata between the master server and target servers. If the servers specified for --connect or --master options are leaf servers, parent servers are used instead.

You can run this command from within an SQL statement by using the SQL administration API.

Return codes

A return code of 0 indicates that the command was successful. If the command is not successful, one of the following error codes is returned: 1, 5, 21, 37, 48, 53, 61, 62, 99, 121, 193, 194, 195, 205. For information about these error codes, see Return Codes for the cdr Utility.


The following command generates a consistency report comparing the metadata on the master server g_serv1 with the metadata on the server g_serv2:
cdr check catalog --master=g_serv1 g_serv2
The summary consistency report shows that the metadata is consistent:
Verifying server definitions...
Server definitions...OK

Verifying replicate definitions...
Replicate definitions...OK

Verifying replicate participant definitions...
Replicate participant definitions...OK

Verifying replicate participants...
Replicate participants...OK

Verifying replicate set definitions...
Replicate set definitions...OK

Verifying replicate set participants...
Replicate set participants...OK

This report indicates that the metadata is consistent on these servers.