cdr list catalog

The cdr list catalog command lists the commands that created the specified replication objects.


cdr list catalog
Connect Option 1
--servers --replicates --replicatesets --templates --realizetemplates --grids

The following table describes the options to the cdr list catalog command.

Long Form Short Form Meaning
--all -a Lists all definition commands. Default.
--grids -g Lists cdr create grid commands.
--quiet -q Lists the commands without headings.
--realizetemplates -z Lists cdr realize template commands.
--replicates -r Lists cdr define replicate commands.
--replicatesets -e Lists cdr define replicateset commands.
--servers -s Lists cdr define server commands.
--templates -t Lists cdr define template commands.


Run the cdr list catalog command to show replication definition commands. You can use the list of commands to easily duplicate a system for troubleshooting or moving a test system into production.

Example: List template commands

The following command lists the cdr define template and the cdr realize template commands:

$ cdr list cat -t

# cdr define template commands.

cdr define template temp1 --conflict=ignore  --master=g_cat_cdr1 
         --database=catdb informix.tab1 informix.tab2 informix.tab4

cdr define template temp2 --conflict=always  --master=g_cat_cdr1 
         --database=catdb informix.tab1 informix.tab2 informix.tab4

cdr define template temp3 --conflict=timestamp  --master=g_cat_cdr1 
         --database=catdb informix.tab1 informix.tab2 informix.tab4

cdr define template temp4 --conflict=timestamp --floatieee --ats --ris  
        --alwaysRepLOBs=y --UTF8=y --master=g_cat_cdr1 --database=catdb 
        informix.tab1 informix.tab2 informix.tab4

Example: List server commands

The following command lists the cdr define server commands:

$ cdr list cat -s

# cdr define server commands.

cdr define server --init g_cat_cdr1

cdr define server --connect=g_cat_cdr2 --sync=g_cat_cdr1 --init g_cat_cdr2

cdr define server --connect=g_cat_cdr3 --ats=/usr/informix/ats 
       --ris=/usr/informix/ris --sync=g_cat_cdr1 --init g_cat_cdr3

cdr define server --connect=g_cat_cdr4 --sync=g_cat_cdr1 
       --init g_cat_cdr4