Register the statprint() function

As with any user-defined function, you register the statistics-display function with the CREATE FUNCTION statement.

The registration of this function has the following requirements:
  • You must name this user-defined function statprint.

    The database server handles routine resolution based on the data type of the first argument to statprint(). If the name of your C statistics-collection function is not statprint(), specify the C function name in the EXTERNAL NAME clause.

  • The data types of the parameters must be as follows.
    Parameter number Parameter data type
    1 SQL name for the user-defined data type
    2 stat
  • The function must return a value of type LVARCHAR.
The following CREATE FUNCTION statement registers a statistics-display function:
CREATE FUNCTION statprint(ll_arg longlong, num_rows stat)
EXTERNAL NAME '/usr/udrs/bin/'

After you register the statprint() function, make sure those with the DBA privilege and the table owner have the Execute privilege for the function.