User & Role Management

The only user that comes pre-configured with HCL Detect is the admin user.

The admin user can add additional users, including other administrators, as well as perform other user management tasks by accessing the
User And Role Management
link located under the Administration category in the top navigation bar.

The user management screen is shown below:


The UserAndRoleManagement page.

In the Users tab, the various roles that are configured in the system and the users that exist for each such role are depicted.

To add a new user, the administrator must first decide the role for such a user, for example, the MarketingAnalyst role can be selected by picking the corresponding tab in the User Management page and by clicking on the Add New User link:


Adding a new user.

Subsequently, the Username, Email, First Name, Last name, Display name and Password attributes should be filled out. Finally, the Save button can be pressed to store this data.

Once completed, the newly added user should be visible in the user interface:


A newly added user.

The data for an existing user can be modified and the user itself can be removed by another user with user management entitlement.

The deletion and editing are perfomed using Delete and Edit button under Actions head of the table:

Removing or updating a user's data.

The Roles page can be accessed by accessing the Roles tab in the navigation bar:

The Roles tab.

The HCL Detect, by default, comes with three default roles: the Administrator, the Team Manager and the Marketing Analyst:

  • The Administrator has unrestricted permissions in HCL Detect.
  • The TeamManager does not have the permissions associated with user and role management, but has all the other permissions.
  • The MarketingAnalyst has permissions that are a notch below a Team Manager, excluding, for instance, the ability to edit the feeds.

Roles can be renamed and removed.

The removal of a role can only be accomplished if no user(s) with that role exists. The user interface shows an appropriate error when an attempt is made to delete a role that has user(s) assigned to it:

Renaming and deletion options for a role.

A new role can be created by clicking on the AddNewRole button located at the top-right corner.

The resulting popup asks the user to enter the name of the new role and, upon clicking on the Create button, the corresponding new role is created.


Adding a new role.

A new role is created without any permissions. Permissions can then be added to the newly created role by clicking on the corresponding checkboxes:

A newly created role (Event Manager) with View events permissions only.

HCL Detect can be optionally configured to do LDAP based authentication. The LDAPConfiguration page can be used to configure the LDAP Configuration tab in the navigation bar:

The LDAPConfiguration tab.

To enable LDAP based authentication, we need to click on ConfigureAndEnableLDAP button:

Configuring the LDAPConfiguration tab.

Subsequently, the ServerType, Hostname, Port, Base DN, User DN, Group DN, Search User Name and Search User Password attributes should be filled out. Current two type are servers are supported, i.e., Free IPA and Active Directory. Finally, the Test And Save button can be pressed to test the server setting:

Testing the ServerSettings.

Press Next Button to start configuring the User Schema Settings tab. Now user Object Class, User Object Filter, Username Attrbute, User Name RDN Attribute, User First Name Attribute, User Lastname Attribute, User Display Name Attribute, User Email Attribute and User Distinguished Name Attribute attribute needs to be filled based on your organization's LDAP configurations:

Configuring the UserSchemaSettings.

Now Click on TestAndSave button to test the configuration. Test it by filling Username and Password for any existing LDAP user and clicking `Test And Save on the popup display.

Testing the UserSchemaSettings.