System Health

The SystemHealth dashboard can be accessed by clicking on the System Health link in the top navigation bar.

The dashboard shows the status of the AnalyticsApplications, Feed Applications, System Applications and Other Components.

FeedApplications are used for ingesting the incoming streaming data, Analytics Applications are used for stream or Batch based analytics jobs, System Applications are built-in applications used for different important functions of application like detecting events or managing batch segment updates. Other Components are the HCL Detect supporting components, including the FastPast, the PinPoint, the Kafka and the Zookeeper:

The SystemHealth dashboard.

FeedApplications can also be used to see the last few data rows/tuples beign processed by clicking View Tuples button:

Viewtuples from feed applications.

FeedApplications also shows the resource utilization of a feeds and parallel processing flow of each feeds.

partitions and statistics of a feed application.