Excluding attachments from the Domain Index

The following types of attachments are excluded from the Domain Index by default: .*.ap, *.au, *.bkf, *.bqy, *.cab, *.cca, *.dbd, *.dll, *.exe, *.gif, *.gz, *.img, *.jar, *.jpg, *.lwp, *.m4p, *.m4v, *.MIF, *.mov, *.mp3, *.mp4, *.mpg, *.msi, *.nsf, *.ntf, *.p7m, *.p7s, *.pag, *.pdb, *.pic, *.png, *.pst, *.rar, *.shw, *.sys, *.tar, *.tar, *.tif, *.wav, *.wmf, *.wpl, *.wq1, *.z, *.zip

About this task

Administrators can configure indexing processes for file attachments at the database and file levels, such as excluding or including specific types of document attachments. For more information, see Modifying file attachment indexing.