Monitoring directory catalogs

You can use multiple commands and settings to monitor directory catalogs, and you can mail directory catalog reports to users you specify.

Mailing directory catalog reports

A directory catalog stores an agent called Directory Catalog Status Report. A server can use this agent to mail in your name a Directory Catalog report once a week to users you specify in a directory catalog configuration document.

A Directory Catalog report includes the following:

  • A database link to the replica of the directory catalog on the Dircat server for the directory catalog, and information about this directory catalog including its database title, server location and file path, size, number of entries, and configuration settings; the agent derives this information from the Dircat task.
  • A database link to each source Domino® Directory used the Dircat task uses to aggregate into the directory catalog, and information about each directory including the database title, server location and file path, size, and date last updated in the directory catalog.
  • The size of the directory catalog as a percentage of the combined size of the Domino Directories aggregated into it.

To mail Directory Catalog reports:

  1. Open the configuration document for the directory catalog.
  2. Specify the name(s) of users to receive the reports; separate multiple names with commas:
    • For a condensed directory catalog, enter the name(s) in the field Send Directory Catalog reports to.
    • For an extended directory catalog, enter the name(s) in the field Send Aggregation reports to.
  3. When prompted, select the name of the server that should run this agent to mail the reports on your behalf. You must have Run restricted LotusScript/Java agents access to the server you select.
  4. Save and close the configuration document.

Using other directory catalog monitoring tools

  • Use the NOTES.INI setting Log_DirCat=1 to display additional information to the server console when the Dircat task runs. This includes when the task starts and finishes, what directory it is aggregating, the domain name of the directory, and how many entries were processed. For more verbose information, including the names of all the entries that are processed, you can set log_dircat=3. However, this setting may slow performance and fill up the server log file, so its use is not recommended.
  • Use the Show Xdir command to show information about the directory catalogs and other directories that a server uses.
  • If you have configured the Dircat task to run on schedule, use the Show Schedule command to see when the task is next scheduled to run.