Examples: Views property

  1. This script displays the names of all the views and folders in the current database.

    Sub Initialize
      Dim session As New NotesSession
      Dim db As NotesDatabase
      Dim views As Variant
      Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
      views = db.Views
      Forall v In views
        Messagebox(  v.Name  )
      End Forall
    End Sub
  2. This script uses the Views property to find the default view of the current database and assign it to the view object.
    Sub Initialize
      Dim session As New NotesSession
      Dim db As NotesDatabase
      Dim view As NotesView
      Dim views As Variant
      Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
      views = db.Views
      Forall v In views
        If v.IsDefaultView Then
          Set view = v
          Exit Forall
        End If
      End Forall
      If view Is Nothing Then
        Messagebox "",, "No default view"
        Messagebox view.Name,, "Default view"
      End If
    End Sub