Using Multiple Connections of the Same Type

You can create multiple connections to the same database by making copies of a connection definition and then renaming the copies. You might do this is to access the same database but to set various permission levels for specific tables or to use a different user name and password.

Any number of activities can use the same connection.

LEI and Metaconnections: Specialized Intermediate Connections

Metaconnections are specialized IBM® Lotus Enterprise Integrator® (LEI) connections that perform an intermediary role. Metaconnections enable specific actions to be performed on data. Supported metaconnections include the following:

  • Collapse/Expand
  • Metering
  • Order
  • Trace
Note: Metaconnections are not used with LEI Advanced RealTime or Domino® Enterprise Connection Services (DECS). The metaconnection functionality is transparently integrated into LEI Advanced RealTime and DECS activities.

Existing metaconnections can be found in the connections views.

You can use LEI browsing functionality within a metaconnector. However, you must first select a metadata object (table, form, view, and/or procedure) in every base connector that is used with the metaconnector. If base connectors referenced by the metaconnector do not have metadata selected, a message appears at which time you can return to the base connector, select metadata, and then rebuild the metaconnection document. This is a requirement only if you intend to browse the metaconnectors.