Importing existing spreadsheets

After you upload IBM® Lotus® Symphony® spreadsheets or other spreadsheet file types to your files list, you can import them so that you and others can work with them in web browsers.

About this task

Supported formats include .ods, .xls, .xlsx, and .csv. For .ots, .xlt, and .xltx template files, you can upload them to Connections and then create files from them in IBM Docs. To import an existing spreadsheet, perform the following steps:


  1. Upload a file to the Connections Files application.
  2. Click My Files.
  3. Find the file that you want to open in IBM Connections Docs, and click the file name to go to a page with actions that you can take.
  4. Click Edit to automatically import the file into IBM Docs format.
    • Only spreadsheets with 20,000 rows or less and 1,024 columns or less can be opened.
    • If the spreadsheet is a template file with a format of .xlt, .xltx, or .ots, click Create File. A New from File window opens. Type a file name and then click Create. The template file is imported into IBM Docs and a new spreadsheet that is based on the template file is created at the same time.
  5. Optional: If you want to return to the files list, click open files list button on the toolbar.


  • Occasionally, certain formatting from uploaded files does not display precisely in IBM Docs, yet is preserved in the file. For example, for an unsupported formula, you see the formula name in the cell instead of the calculated value. In these cases, once a version is published, you can download the file back to its original format.
  • You can import .xlsx files that contain .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, and .bmp images. You can also import .xlsx files that contain .wmf, .emf, .tif, and .tiff images, but these file types are converted to supported types during the import.
  • Data validation that was previously set in an .xlsx, .xls, or .ods file works properly after the file is imported to IBM Docs. Within a range, such data validation still functions when you use autofill to add data to cells in the range, and when you cut or copy the range and paste it to another range.