Defining your device classes | HCL Digital Experience

When you target content to a segment based on device classes, ensure that the device classes are installed and enabled in portal.

About this task

By default, the smartphone and tablet device classes are already defined for you. You can use these device classes in rules that you create. If your mobile device is not recognized by using the default smartphone or tablet device classes, you can add your device as a client to these default classes. To add your device go to Add new client. Click the Administration menu icon. Then, click Portal Settings > Supported Clients. Then, click Add new client. You can also create an XML script to add your device.

When you add your device to the default classes, your device inherits and uses the responsive web design theme when it displays content. You can import the XML file. Click the Administration menu icon. Then, click Portal Settings > Import XML. You can also run the XML access directly to import the XML file.

You can also create custom device classes rather than using the default classes. Clients that are assigned to custom classes use the desktop theme. For custom classes to have a responsive theme based on the type of device, you must develop custom themes for your class. For more information, see the Responsive Web Design section.

To add a client to a device class, you need, at a minimum, the following information about your device:
  • User-agent pattern
  • Manufacturer
  • Model
  • Client capability

Use the table to learn more about the options available to you for defining device classes.

Table 1. Define device classes to use later with the Device application object in rules that you create. Select one of the following options to define device classes.

Option Description
Add client definitions to already defined device classes. The smartphone and tablet device classes are examples of device classes that are provided to you by default.
  1. Click the Administration menu icon. Then, click Portal Settings > Supported Clients.Then, click Add new client to enter information about the client.
    Note: Refer to the product help for more detailed instructions for adding new clients.
  2. In the User Agent field, enter the name of the client. For example, enter *.useragent.*
  3. In the Manufacturer field, enter the name of the company that manufactured the client.
  4. In the Model field, enter the model number or name of the client.
  5. In the Capabilities field, enter the specific capabilities of the client, and click Add.
    To add tablet capabilities, enter the following information:
    To add smartphone capabilities, enter the following information: 
  6. From the Position menu, select the order in which you want this client to be entered in the client registry. It is recommended to place the most specific user agent patterns at the beginning of the list.
  7. Click OK to save the new client that you added.
Create client definitions, and add to existing device classes. You can also create client definitions through an XML file that contains the device information. For more information, see the Device classes topics in the Developing Themes and Skins section for more information and examples.
Create custom class definitions, and add client information to your class definitions. Class definitions might also be created through an XML file that contains the class information. After you create your device class, you must add appropriate clients by using XML. You might need to create a custom theme for this class. For more information, see the Device classes topics in the Developing Themes and Skins section for more information and examples.