Multiple outgoing transitions

When the calling dialog has multiple outgoing transitions from which the called dialog can be started, you must define how the transition continues. When you return from the called dialog, you must define that the continuation of transitions within the calling dialog differs. The continuation of transitions differs depending on where you exited the calling dialog.

To control how to continue with such transitions, an attribute resume-point is assigned to the transition-endpoint element that references the dialog from which the transition is returned. The resume-point attribute needs to reference a transition endpoint of the calling dialog that was active when another dialog was started.

In the following code sample, the dialog1 has two transitions from which dialog2 can be started. One transition references the transition endpoint portlet1 as its source, the other references the transition endpoint portlet2. Furthermore, dialog2 has two distinct incoming transitions. One transition carries the attribute resume-point with value portlet1, the other one with value portlet2.

When you exit dialog1 through the first transition, which references the endpoint portlet1, dialog1 would continue with portlet3 after dialog2 ends. The reason is that the transition that references the resume point with value portlet1 is triggered since portlet1 was active when you exited dialog1.

When you exit dialog1 through the second transition, which references the endpoint portlet2, dialog1 would continue with portlet4 after dialog2 ends. The reason is that the transition that references the resume point with value portlet2 is triggered since portlet2 was active when you exited dialog1.

Code sample

<dialog name="dialog1">
           <transition-endpoint nameref="portlet1">
               <event qname="eX"/>
           <transition-endpoint nameref="dialog2">
               <event qname="eX"/>
           <transition-endpoint nameref="portlet2">
               <event qname="eX"/>
           <transition-endpoint nameref="dialog2">
               <event qname="eX"/>
           <transition-endpoint nameref="dialog2" resumepoint="portlet1">>
               <event qname="eZ"/>
           <transition-endpoint nameref="portlet3">
               <event qname="eZ"/>
           <transition-endpoint nameref="dialog2" resumepoint>
               <event qname="eZ"/>
           <transition-endpoint nameref="portlet4">
               <event qname="eZ"/>