Upgrading an OpenShift installation using Helm charts

You can upgrade an OpenShift installation using Helm charts.

Before you begin

Note: If you are running an HCL DevOps Velocity (Velocity) version prior to 2.4, you need to uninstall the product and perform a full installation of version 2.4.x found here and skipping Step 3 because you are not required to uninstall the MongoDB.
Velocity installation properties are stored in the /home/.ucv/settings.json file on the computer where you installed the product. If the user that is upgrading the product is not the user who installed it, ensure that the settings.json file is copied to the upgrading user's /home/.ucv directory before upgrading.

About this task

When you run the installer, it checks for an existing installation. If the installer finds a previous version, it uses installed properties, such as your product access key, and assumes that you are upgrading the product.


  1. Download the installation file for your environment.
    Note: Velocity does not perform malware scanning on the installed files. It is recommended that end users implement malware scanning as appropriate for their environment before installing and running the Velocity in their environment.
  2. Download the installation file for your environment and access key to authorize the configuration and installation from the FlexNet download center and select the file for your environment.
  3. Run the downloaded executable file.
  4. Complete installation by responding to the prompts described in the following steps.
    When the script starts, you are prompted to accept the license. You can explicitly accept the license without viewing it by appending the following parameter to the command:
    ./<velocity-installation-file> --license=accept
    1. At the Please enter your DevOps Velocity access key prompt, accept the default value.
      The default value is the key you entered when you installed the product. If you are upgrading from the Community Edition, enter your new Standard Edition key.
    2. At the Enter your encryption key or leave blank to use the default. Key must be at least 8 characters prompt, enter your encryption key or leave blank to use the default encryption key.
      Note: The encryption key must be at least 8 characters. Save the encryption key to use for further upgrades.
    3. At the Choose the platform prompt, select Helm.
    4. At the Enter the location where the DevOps Velocity files will be installed prompt, enter the location where you want to install the product files.
      You do not have to use the location that you used when you installed the product.
      Files are copied to the specified directory in a subdirectory named product_version_number.
    5. At the What version of MongoDB are you using? prompt, select the version of the MongoDB that you want to use for Velocity installation.
    6. At the Please enter the hostname where you will run DevOps Velocity prompt, enter the host name where users can access the Web UI.
      The default hostname is the value that you used the last time you used the installer.
    7. At the Enter the desired port where DevOps Velocity will run prompt, enter the port number for the Web UI.
      The default port is the value that you used the last time you used the installer.
    The images are loaded on the local host.
  5. In the directory where your Helm chart is located, run the Helm upgrade utility to generate a Helm release. The upgrade command requires argument that identifies the installed Helm release to upgrade as well as a chart argument that identifies the Helm chart to use when upgrading the release. For example:
    helm upgrade velocity ./accelerate-<version\>-helm.tgz
    For information about the Helm upgrade utility, see the Helm documentation .