Defect fixes

You can find the defects that are fixed in this version of HCL DevOps Velocity (Velocity). You can also find the defects that were fixed in the earlier versions of Velocity. HCL DevOps Velocity is the new name of HCL Accelerate from 5.0.0 onwards.

Defects fixed in Velocity 2024.06 (5.0.7)

Release date: 11 July 2024

The defects fixed in the current version of Velocity are as follows:
Fixed issues with creating task for UrbanCode Deploy plugin. Previously, if you create task for UrbanCode Deploy plugin, the task is getting created for Azure DevOps plugin.
Fixed issues with displaying blank page in value streams. Previously, the blank page is displayed when you select Time in filter.
Fixed issues with scheduling deployment for UrbanCode Deploy and HCL Launch plugins.
Fixed issues with displaying HCL DevOps Plan plugin dots in value streams.
Fixed the issue of multiple releases being created when you configured auto promotion in the pipeline. Previously, if you configured auto promotion in the pipeline, before syncing the launch integration, multiple releases were getting created when you deploy the applications in the pipeline.
Fixed issues with translation of Update global query dialog name to other languages on the Value Stream page. Previously, the Update global query dialog name was not translated to other languages.
Fixed the issue of duplicate tasks being created when you clicked the Save button multiple times on the deployment plan page.
Fixed display of blank page when you tried to clear the values in the metric fields while editing the metrics on the Value Stream page.

Defects fixed in earlier versions

You can find information about the defects fixed in earlier versions of Velocity in the following sections.

Defects fixed in Velocity 2024.06 (5.0.6)

Release date: 13 June 2024

The defects fixed in the current version of Velocity are as follows:

Fixed issues with Approver gates in the Deploy stage for API driven applications.

Fixed issues with deployment of old versions to different environments in the pipeline for API-driven apps. Previously, you were not able to deploy an older version of an API-driven App to a different environment in the pipeline after deploying a newer version.

Fixed issues in running the deploy tasks by an non-authorized user. Previously, the user who is not authorized in deploy server is able to run the deploy tasks in velocity.

Fixed issues with adding an Ansible task to a deployment plan. Previously, when you added an ansible task to a deployment plan, the page got crashed.

Fixed issues with incorrect status displayed for release activities on the Releases page. Previously, the release activities with Failed status is displayed as In Progress on Releases page.

Fixed issues with creating version records for the deleted applications. Previously, version records are getting created for the application which are deleted from the pipeline.

Defects fixed in Velocity 2023.12 (5.0.5)

Release date: 9 May 2024

The defects fixed in the current version of Velocity are as follows:

Fixed issues in displaying the permissions for the Lead developer role. Previously, the Archive permission checkbox for Deployment template was not displayed for the Lead developer role.

Fixed issues in displaying percentage value for the following charts in details table on the dashboards.
  • Coverage by Branch
  • Coverage by Function
  • Coverage by Line

Fixed issues in displaying error message while creating a solution version with the same name as the existing solution version.

Fixed issues with displaying deleted applications in draft solution versions. Previously, the applications deleted from the pipeline were displayed in the draft solution version.

Fixed issues in Insights page for better user experience.

Defects fixed in Velocity 2023.12 (5.0.4)

Release date: 11 April 2024

The defects fixed in the current version of Velocity are as follows:
Fixed issues with the background options not freezed when you open the About dialog on the Settings page. Previously, when you open the About dialog on the Settings page the options in the left navigation pane were not freezed.
Fixed creation of multiple releases with feature flag enabled in Releases page. Previously, multiple releases were created when feature flag was enabled during the auto promotion of an application in the deploy stage.
Fixed issues in displaying error logs for shell automation task. Previously, error logs are not displayed when incorrect shell automation task is selected for deployment plan.
Fixed issues in executing the subsequent task in Releases when any of the sequential task is skipped.
Fixed issues in displaying error message when deployment plan is created with the past date.
Fixed issues in executing the duplicate task of deployment plan. Previously, the duplicate tasks are not getting executing when the original task is executed.
Fixed issues in displaying the applications in deployment audit report window.

Defects fixed in Velocity 2023.12 (5.0.3)

Release date: 11 April 2024

The defects fixed in the current version of Velocity are as follows:

Fixed issues with display of error messages while creating a UrbanCode Deploy Status task with missing fields. Previously, when you create an UrbanCode Deploy Status task with missing fields and try to save the task, different error messages were displayed for missing different fields.

Fixed issues with events appearing as a release on Join Release modal. Previously, whenever a event is added in the calendar on Releases page, the event was appearing as a release and available for selection on the Join Release modal.

Fixed issues with saving the changed roles for members of a team. Previously, when you try to edit the roles for the members in a team, you could not save the changes by pressing the enter on the keyboard.

Fixed issues with the alignment of table column headers while scrolling on the Deployment Plan details page.

Fixed issues with the highlighting of missing fields while creating a release. Previously, when you try to create a release with missing fields the error message was displayed for missing fields, but the fields are not highlighted.

Fixed issues with closing of Edit task dialog. Previously, when you click outside the Edit task dialog, the dialog was getting closed.

Fixed issues with display of error message while creating a value stream with the same name as existing value stream. Previously, no error message was displayed when you try to create a value stream with the same name as the existing value stream.
Fixed issues with displaying release names in Releases page.

Defects fixed in Velocity 2023.12 (5.0.2)

Release date: 8 February 2024

The defects fixed in the current version of Velocity are as follows:
Fixed issues with UI in Deployment plan page.
Fixed issues with resetting of field values in Create task window on Releases page. Previously, field values in Create task window were not resetting to default when the task type is changed.
Fixed issues with displaying of error message in Create task window on Releases page. Previously, error message in Create task window was displaying when the task type is changed.
Fixed issues with running Jira and DevOps Deploy tasks in deployment plan. Previously, the tasks were failed when you skip any task and run the next task.
Fixed issues with displaying the failed rules details for Approver and Metric rules in deployment override screen. Previously, when you deploy the application with failed Approver and Metric rules, the deployment override screen displays only gate details for Approver and Metric rules.
Fixed issues in highlighting the missing fields in create task screen for HCL DevOps Deploy task.
Fixed issues in displaying tags created for releases.
Fixed issues in creating user log details for autopromotion of deployment. Previously, user log details for autopromote is created as admin user when a non-admin user autopromotes the deployment.
Fixed issues in creating user log details for running the Jenkins task. Previously, user log details for Jenkins task is created as admin user or the user who created Jenkins integration when a non-admin user runs the Jenkins task.

Defects fixed in Velocity 2023.12 (5.0.1)

Release date: 23 January 2024

The defects fixed in the current version of Velocity are as follows:
Fixed issues with white spaces in URL field of plug-in integration. Previously, you were unable to integrate the plug-in if there was any white spaces in the URL field.
Fixed issues with displaying deployment plan for a non-admin user. Previously, a blank page was displayed when a non-admin user access the deployment plan.
Fixed issues in displaying Events in Releases page.
Fixed issues with Update button in integration window. Previously, Update button was enabled by default.
Fixed issues with displaying the gate rules in the Pipeline page.
Fixed issues with Deploy button in Pipeline page. Previously, Deploy button was enabled when the Override permission sign off check box is not selected.
Fixed issues with alignment of search bar in Releases page.
Fixed issues with displaying duplicated query in DQL search field.
Fixed issues with displaying ellipsis menu in Releases page.
Fixed issues with Save button in Edit release window. Previously, Save button was enabled by default.
Fixed issues with Save button in Edit deployment plan window. Previously, Save button was enabled by default.
Fixed issues with auto expansion of tasks for My Tasks and Other tasks tab in Releases page.
Fixed issues with Duration (minutes) field in Create task window.
Fixed issues in displaying integration status for the UrbanCode Deploy (Legacy) plug-in. Previously, when you successfully integrated the plug-in, the status was displayed as Success instead of Online
Fixed issues with scroll bar in Create task window for UrbanCode Deploy Status task type on Releases page.
Fixed issues with the End date field in the Join release window. Previously the End date field was accepting the date prior to the Start date.
Fixed issues with displaying of logs for Launch Deployment Audit Report in the Insights.
Fixed issues in displaying message for successful plug-in integration.
Fixed issues with Join release. Previously the join release was not working when the gates were failed in the pipeline.
Fixed issues with auto promotion. Previously the auto promotion was triggered when one or more gates passed, and others failed.
Fixed issues with displaying application mapping on the Settings page. Previously when you enable the app-data-reconciliation feature flag and then go to Settings > Applications, a blank page was displayed instead of permission required message, when you don't have the required permissions.
Fixed issues with displaying Manual Override Permission or Acknowledgment during the deployment of an application with failed gates. Previously, Manual Override Permission or Acknowledgment was not displayed when you deploy an application with one or more gates passed, and others failed.
Fixed issues with editing the parameters of HCL Launch task with In progress or Complete status. Previously you were able to edit the parameters of HCL Launch task with In progress or Complete status.
Fixed security vulnerabilities.

Defects fixed in Velocity 2023.12 (5.0.0)

Release date: 12 December 2023

The defects fixed in the current version of Velocity are as follows:
Fixed high security vulnerabilities.
Fixed issues with tool tip for edit task icon of deployment plans.
Fixed issues in swimlanes for better user experience.
Fixed issues in displaying available options in releases page.
Fixed issues in creating delayed task in releases page.
Fixed issues in creating schedule for releases.
Fixed issue in displaying create release modal.

Defects fixed in 4.0.15

Release date: 26 October 2023

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 4.0.15 are as follows:
Fixed issues in displaying Lead time and Cycle time in value streams page. Previously, you were unable to view the Lead time and Cycle time in value streams page.
Fixed issues in displaying bar charts in State of sprint report. Previously, you were unable to see the bar charts in State of sprint report.
Fixed issues in displaying data in Release readiness report. Previously, you were unable to see the data in Release readiness report.
Fixed issues in autopromoting the application from one environment to another after applying the Metric gate rules. Previously, you were unable to autopromote the application after applying the Metric gate rules.
Fixed issues in Integration page for better user experience.
Fixed issues in applying the external configuration pipeline by choosing the required timespan. Previously, you were able to apply the external configuration without choosing any timespan.
Fixed issues in selecting start and end date in create release modal.
Fixed issues with External YAML configuration in Kubernetes platform. Previously, External YAML configuration was not working in Kubernetes platform.
Fixed issues in applying Compliance gates for hybrid continuous integration and continuous deployment pipeline.
Fixed issues in displaying the continuous deployment application in hybrid continuous integration and continuous deployment pipeline. Previously, you were unable to see the continuous deployment application after performing the full re-sync of the continuous deployment application.
Fixed issues in displaying filters in Insights > Dashboards.
Fixed issues in displaying name of the application in Releases pages.
Fixed issues in displaying message for release event creation. Previously, message is not displayed for release event creation when you click either Save and create another or Save button in Create event modal.
Fixed issues in Pipeline page for better user experience.
Fixed issues in automation task using latest available version of the plug-ins. Previously, automation task uses latest version of the plug-in though the integration is not configured with the latest version of plug-in.
Fixed default values for check box in the pipeline stages configuration.
Fixed websocket security vulnerabilities.
Fixed issues in accessing the Create value stream button.
Fixed issues with documentation link for review in import release and events screen.
Fixed issues in creating duplicate integration names while creating value stream.
Fixed data generator reliability issues.
Fixed issues in syncing teams with built-in UrbanCode Deploy plug-ins.
Fixed issues with GitHub plugin to handle larger payloads.
Fixed data sync issues with GitHub plug-in.
Fixed issues with displaying endpoints of GraphQL schema.

Defects fixed in 4.0.14

Release date: 7 September 2023

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 4.0.14 are as follows:
Fixed issues in displaying the continuous integration application in hybrid continuous integration and continuous deployment pipeline. Previously, you were unable to see the continuous integration application after performing the full re-sync of the continuous deployment application.
Fixed issues in installing the demo data plug-in. Previously, you were unable to install the demo data plug-in.
Fixed issues in displaying My profile and Log out under account menu.
Fixed issues with roles and permissions for Calendar manager. Previously, the blank page is displayed when the Calendar manager edits the calendar events.
Fixed issues in selecting the date range for custom date filter of insights dashboard. Previously, you were able to type or paste any text in the custom date filter.
Fixed issues in displaying all items for Priority, Type, Release, and Sprint under Value stream. Previously, you were able to view only 5 items for Priority, Type, Release, and Sprint under Value stream and you must use search field for searching the item that is not displayed.

Defects fixed in 4.0.13

Release date: 17 August 2023

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 4.0.13 are as follows:
Fixed sending potentially sensitive data in error messages.
Fixed issues in running the deployment from pipeline.
Fixed querying password using GraphQL. Previously, you were able to query password using GraphQL.
Fixed issues with refreshing integration page automatically to see latest data in Velocity. Previously, you must manually refresh the integration page to see latest data in Velocity.
Fixed issues with configuring the parameters for contextless application. Previously, you were unable to configure the parameters of contextless application using configure parameters window.
Fixed issues in displaying the details of the dots in Value stream.
Fixed issues in displaying the task in progress of Releases page.
Fixed issues with permission of Lead release manager. Previously, Lead release manager unable to remove member from the team.
Fixed issues in displaying data for Lead Time KPI and Cycle Time KPI.
Fixed issues in displaying approval status for manual gates.
Fixed security issues with CORS. Previously, you were able to access the CORS.
Fixed security vulnerabilities.
Fixed issues in displaying charts under Insights > Dashboards. Previously, the charts are not displayed under Insights > Dashboards.
Fixed issues in updating the UrbanCode Deploy application process name in Velocity pipeline. Previously, the application process name is not updated in Velocity pipeline.
Fixed issues in viewing logs for the pipeline snapshot report. Previously, you were unable to view logs for the pipeline snapshot report.
Fixed issues in displaying the menu for help icon. Previously, menu for help icon is not displayed.

Defects fixed in 4.0.12

Release date: 15 June 2023

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 4.0.12 are as follows:
Removed user roles sync-up from the built-in UrbanCode Deploy plug-in. You must assign the roles for the users in Velocity. Previously, you were having issues in importing user and user's role from UrbanCode Deploy to Velocity.
Fixed issues in creating integration name with special characters. Previously, you were unable to create integration name with special characters.
Fixed issues in version tab of deployment plans to display application and environment for contextless plug-ins. Previously, you were unable to see the application and environment for contextless plug-ins in version tab of deployment plans.
Fixed issues with dots movement to build stage. Previously, the dots are not moving to build stage in value stream.
Fixed issues with Kubernetes ephemeral storage pod values. Previously, the pods will go offline very often.
Fixed issues with auto promotion for contextless plug-ins. Previously, you were unable to auto promote the application of contextless plug-ins.
Fixed issues in displaying characters that are non-English alphabets in value streams. Previously, non-English alphabets are not displayed in value streams.

Defects fixed in 4.0.11

Release date: 25 May 2023

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 4.0.11 are as follows:
Fixed issues with updating the input job for contextless applications in pipeline. Previously you were unable to update the input job for contextless applications in pipeline.
Fixed issues with creating deployment tasks in pipeline. Previously you received the following error message while creating the deployment task although all the required fields have data: one or more fields have errors. Please correct and try again.
Fixed issues with Auto promotion for HCL Launch application in pipeline. Previously you were unable to auto promote the HCL Launch application.
Fixed issues with filtering the environment for contextless application deployment in pipeline. Previously you were unable to filter the environment.
Fixed high level security vulnerability - PSIRT number PRB0119499.

Defects fixed in 4.0.10

Release date: 4 May 2023

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 4.0.10 are as follows:
Fixed issues with displaying Lead Time and Cycle Time KPI under Settings > Insights > KPIs. Previously, you were not able to see the Lead Time and Cycle Time KPI under Settings > Insights > KPIs. This problem is fixed.
Fixed issues with Join release in hybrid pipeline. Previously, you were not able to use Join release for adding the application for the release schedule. This problem is fixed.
Fixed Auto promotion with gates issue in hybrid pipeline. Previously, auto promotion with gates is not working when approved from non-input stages for hybrid pipeline. This problem is fixed for hybrid pipeline.
Fixed issues in displaying full logs in execution message window for Docker Compose installations. Previously, you were not able to see the full logs in execution message window for Docker Compose installations in deployment tasks of external plug-ins integrations. This problem is fixed.
Fixed issues in displaying error messages when the application without parameter is selected for deployment task. Previously, you were not able to see the error message no parameter is associated while selecting the application without parameter in deployment task. This problem is fixed.
Fixed issues with not applicable task for Jenkins plug-in.
Fixed issues with build links for Application Programming Interface driven pipelines.
Fixed issues with application process for UrbanCode Deploy plug-in.
Fixed issues with importing the version for Contextless plug-ins.
Fixed issues with changing the team scope for Value stream.
Fixed issues with creating Nginx configuration directory for Kubernetes installation.
Fixed issues with My Number field in plug-in integration dialog box. Previously, you were not able to see the input box to My Number field. This problem is fixed.

Defects fixed in 4.0.9

Release date: 30 March 2023

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 4.0.9 are as follows:
Fixed delayed task issues in Releases.
Fixed user session extension issues.
Improved performance in deployment plan.

Defects fixed in 4.0.8

Release date: 21 February 2023

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 4.0.8 are as follows:
Fixed security vulnerabilites.

Defects fixed in 4.0.7

Release date: 2 February 2023

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 4.0.7 are as follows:
Fixed incorrect regeneration of user access key when editing the plugin integration.
Added description for parameter field in create deployment task.

Defects fixed in 4.0.6

Release date: 12 January 2023

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 4.0.6 are as follows:
Fixed complete data download issues for Build count and Deployment count charts.
Fixed deployment page issues.
Fixed security vulnerabilities.
Fixed Velocity and HCL® Launch synchronization issues.
Fixed user authentication key deletion issues.

Defects fixed in 4.0.5

Release date: 5 December 2022

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 4.0.5 are as follows:
Fixed manual gate creation issue for non administrator users.
Fixed memory leak connection issues.
Fixed auto promotion issues.
Fixed view integration permission issues.

Defects fixed in 4.0.4

Release date: 14 November 2022

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 4.0.4 are as follows:
Fixed manual gate notification issues.
Fixed closure of installer window on errors.
Fixed security context issues for plugins.
Fixed issues in displaying logs for demo data generator.

Defects fixed in 4.0.3

Release date: 31 October 2022

HCL Accelerate 4.0.3 includes no bug fixes.

Defects fixed in 4.0.2

Release date: 19 October 2022

HCL Accelerate 4.0.2 includes no defect fixes.

Defects fixed in 4.0.1

Release date: 3 October 2022

HCL Accelerate 4.0.1 includes no defect fixes.

Defects fixed in 4.0.0

Release date: 13 September 2022

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 4.0.0 are as follows:
Fixed version mismatch for applications in deployment plan page.

Defects fixed in 3.1.5

HCL Accelerate 3.1.5 includes no defect fixes.

Defects fixed in 3.1.4

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 3.1.4 are as follows:
When running deployments from the Pipeline page, fixed an issue for the deployment tasks that receives a Not applicable... error message due to the missing version.
Note: Investigation is in progress to identify the same issue with Jenkins deployments. You can workaround the issue by navigating to the deployment plan's Versions tab, select the appropriate version, and then manually start the deployment plan.

Defects fixed in 3.1.3

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 3.1.3 are as follows:
Improved performance of pipelines to enhance the monitoring of deployment activity. RELEASES PAGE TAKES LONG TO LOAD.
Fixed security vulnerabilities.
On the Insights page, clicking outside of a chart's actions modal like Select chart type will close the modal.
Fixed the overlapping of chart header and icons, when viewing condensed dashboards.
Fixed WhiteSource vulnerabilities.
Improved performance of the Release homepage loading time.
Fixed the storage of LDAP configuration data in encrypted format.

Defects fixed in 3.1.2

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 3.1.2 are as follows:
On the Deployment plan page, fixed creation of empty releases when the deployment plan is pulled from the ongoing releases.
On the Deployment plan page, fixed the display of encrypted username under Change history tab of Releases.

Defects fixed in 3.1.1

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 3.1.1 are as follows:
Fixed security vulnerability.
Fixed closure of modal, when you click outside the following modal box:
  1. Integrations
  2. Create user
  3. Add roles
  4. Create User Access Key
  5. Settings

Defects fixed in 3.1.0

HCL Accelerate 3.1.0 includes no defect fixes.

Defects fixed in 3.0.8

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 3.0.8 are as follows:
Fixed version mismatch for Jenkins application in deployment plan page.

Defects fixed in 3.0.7

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 3.0.7 are as follows:
Fixed HCL Accelerate installation issues in an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service.

Defects fixed in 3.0.6

HCL Accelerate 3.0.6 includes no defect fixes.

Defects fixed in 3.0.5

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 3.0.5 are as follows:
On the Value streams page, when you click the Import JSON button and then attempt to save the JSON file, resolved an issue displaying a spinning wheel and requiring the user to navigate back to the editing application.

On the Pipeline page with HCL® Launch applications added to the pipeline, when you change the name in HCL® Launch, the name change is accurately reflected on the Pipeline and the Dashboards pages in HCL Accelerate.

For deployment plans run on the Releases page, resolved issues of parallel tasks being processed sequentially for improved performance.
On the Settings page, when you perform the following:
  • Click Authentication > LDAP.
  • Click the Import users button.
  • In the Username or Pattern field of the Import Users window, when you enter a username or pattern and then click the Save button, resolved a query size limit exceeded error during the attempted import process.

Defects fixed in 3.0.4

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 3.0.4 are as follows:
On the Value streams page, when you click Search with DQL and enter a query, resolved issue of long query retrieval times for a larger number dots and issues attempted in search. Optimized code to ensure efficient data retrieval times.
On the Value streams and Insights pages, corrected a common query occasionally returning a internal server error correcting the following issues:
  • Insights page not loading.
  • VSM not loading.
  • Plugin containers not being removed after execution.
On the Insights page, when you perform the following:
  • Click on the Reports tab.
  • Click on the required report.
  • Click on the Results link of a previously run report or click the Run report button to generate a new report with a Results link.
  • When you share the report link, the server port is used versus using the assumed port number 443.
On the Insights page, when you perform the following:
  • Click on the Reports tab.
  • Click on the Deployment audit report.
  • In the Deployment audit window, click in the Timezone drop-down field and select the Coordinated universal time (UTC) required for the report.
  • In the Deployment audit window, fill in the remaining required fields.
  • Click the Confirm button to run the report.
  • Click the Results link to display the Deployment audit report in the selected time zone.
When performing upgrades of HCL Accelerate, fixed issue of deleted groups not migrating correctly.
Resolved LDAP login issue.

Defects fixed in 3.0.3

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 3.0.3 are as follows:
On the Insights page, when you perform the following:
  • Click the All dashboards or My favorites tab.
  • Click the required dashboard.
  • Click the Add charts icon.
  • For the required chart, click the +Add button.
  • For the added chart, when you click the filters icon, all of the available filters for the chart are properly displayed and functioning.
For deployment plans run on either the Pipeline or Releases pages, resolved issues where tasks were restarting due to parallelization of prior tasks.
On the Insights page, when you perform the following:
  • Click the Reports tab.
  • Click the Release readiness report.
  • Click the Click the Run report button.
  • In the Release Name (optional) drop-down field, when you manually type a partial release name, the field populates with the related query names.
On the Releases page, when you perform the following:
  • Click a release activity.
  • Click a deployment plan.
  • Click the Create task button.
  • Click the Type drop-down and select Wait for approval.
  • In the Create task window, fill in the required fields.
  • Click the Save button.
  • For the Wait for approval task, click the Start task icon.
  • Receive the email and click the Approve button.
  • If the email address of the approver matches the user logged into HCL Accelerate, the message You have approved this request. is displayed.
  • If the email address of the approver does not match the user logged into HCL Accelerate, the message Your action could not be completed. Please contact support if the problem persists. is displayed.
On the Releases page, when you perform the following:
  • Click the overflow menu for a required release activity and then click Archive.
  • The release activity is archived after it is clicked once.
On the Releases page, click the following:
  • Release activity
  • Deployment plan
  • Edit icon and the Automatically approve the deployment checkbox does not appear in the Edit plan window.
In SoFy, you can successfully add an application to a pipeline.
Open Distro is updated to fix Apache Log4j vulnerability.
Fixed security vulnerability.

Defects fixed in 3.0.2

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 3.0.2 are as follows:
On the Value streams page, if there is a back end query running for 60 seconds that does not return to the front end no longer monitoring for a response, the VSM page does not crash and display the There was a problem loading this workflow. The system is experiencing a problem right now. Try again later. message.
On the Pipeline page, when you perform the following:
  • With exception to the Input environment, click the required release link under an environment in the pipeline.
  • The deployment plan detail page opens.
  • Resolved issues where Jenkins tasks were restarting due to parallelization of prior tasks.
On the Pipeline page, improved performance for initial loading of pipeline page.
On the Pipeline page, when you perform the following:
  • Click Add application and add a Jenkins integration with a long Application name.
  • On the Jenkins app for the Input environment, click the overflow menu and select Create version.
  • In the Create version window, resolved UI positioning errors of the application and job selection screens on the pipeline.
On the Pipeline page, on any environment except Input, when you click the overflow menu and select Override Inventory, this function is operating properly without the page crashing.
When you click Settings > Authorization > Teams and perform the following:
  • Select a team containing more than 25 members.
  • In the Items per page drop-down, select 100.
  • Click the overflow menu and select Assign roles.
  • In the Edit member window select a Role and click Save. After saving, the page size correctly reverts to 100 items per page as previously selected.
On the Releases page, when you perform the following:
  • In the Release activities table, click on a release.
  • For the required deployment plan, click the overflow menu and select Edit this plan.
  • In the Edit deployment plan window, when you click the Team drop-down, the field is populated correctly with the associated teams.
On the Releases page, when you perform the following:
  • In the Release activities table, click on a release.
  • Click the Create deployment plan button and create and save a deployment.
  • Click the deployment plan created in the previous step.
  • Click the Create task button and create several Jenkins tasks.
  • Schedule deployment in five minutes.
  • For the created deployment plan containing the Jenkins tasks, click the Complete task, Fail task, and Skip task icons to confirm the aforementioned states. When the START TIME occurs, it is ignored because the deployment plan is in progress.
When you click Settings > Calendar, the Calendar page works correctly.
Fixed various console errors including property types, missing typename, and treatment of English as a non-default language.

Defects fixed in 3.0.1

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 3.0.1 are as follows:
On the Value streams page:
  • When you have the appropriate permissions, you can click the overflow menu and select either Edit or Delete value streams.
  • When you click Enable drag, you can drag stages.
On the Releases page:
  • When you run a Jenkins task, you instantaneously know if it does or does not run without dependency on heartbeat performance.
  • When a user navigates to a deployment plan with dynamic roles enabled and insufficient permissions prevent viewing the deployment plan, a notification is displayed that indicates you do not have permissions to view the plan.
  • When you click Archived, in the Name field, an actual name is displayed for each archived release.
  • For Wait for approval tasks, when you select an LDAP group, the NAME field displays an actual name.
  • When viewing a release with new permissions implemented and the user has permissions to a release, the You do not have sufficient permissions to view this page Contact your administrator for necessary permissions. dialog is not displayed.
  • Regardless of team assignments, users are able to view deployment templates. In future versions, viewing deployment templates are secured with the appropriate permissions.
  • While editing a deployment plan, release, or template, when you click the Team drop-down, you can select any team in the list.
On the Settings page:
  • When you click Authorization > Roles, team roles are displayed correctly.
  • The Email server and LDAP and SSO Authentication pages are working properly and updating associated permissions. If you migrated to HCL Accelerateversion 3.0.0 and are experiencing permission assignment issues, contact support.
For customer scenarios using the following workflows:
  • Using Git branching strategy for writing, merging, and delivering code.
  • When squashing commits are not performed prior to merging.
Overlinking between work items, commits, and PRs creating performance issues are resolved. If this performance bug was encountered, HCL Accelerate version 3.0.1 should resolve the aforementioned issue. If you are impacted by this issue, contact support for resolution assistance.

Defects fixed in 3.0.0

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 3.0.0 are as follows:
  • Value streams
    • If a work item status contains a leading number and a DQL query references that number, stage change event calculations yield correct results.
    • If deployment data from plugins is not having data properly converted when creating history, value streams properly load when using either HCL® Launch or Microsoft Azure.
    • On the Value Streams page displayed in the Chinese language and when you click on any of the filter drop-downs, the page filters properly according to your selection.
  • Pipelines
    • For either HCL® Launch or Microsoft Azure apps with passed automated gates, passed versions remain green with introduction of any number of new versions. On any environment except Input, when you click Add gate, modal UI text is updated for clarity.
    • Gates failure no longer alternates between the two same jobs in any environment.
    • If API-driven pipelines and auto promotion are set up simultaneously, both operate properly without issues.
    • On the Pipelines page, resolved an issue with duplicate pipeline deployments occurring when both autopromotion and gates were configured on the same environment.
  • Fixed security vulnerabilities.
  • When you click question mark help icon and then select Getting started, the drop-down closes properly.

Defects fixed in 2.4.5

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 2.4.5 are as follows:
On the Pipelines page, automated gates with passed version displaying green for HCL® Launch and Azure with the introduction of new versions at the Input stage.
On the Releases page:
  • When you click the overflow icon and select Lock, the lock icon is displayed before the release name.
  • When you:
    • Select a release.
    • Select a deployment plan with Jenkins.
    • Click the Create task button.
    • Create and save a Run a Shell Script task.
    • The shell task is added to the deployment plan successfully.
When you click Settings > Integrations > Plugins, the latest version is listed for each plugin

Defects fixed in 2.4.4

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 2.4.4 are as follows:
On the Value Streams page, random lines non-pertinent to any value stream no longer display.
On the Pipeline page, failing tests are enumerated for errors occurring in manual and automated gates.
On the Releases page:
  • Updated the UI for an enhanced user experience.
  • Long release names are truncated with ellipsis.

Defects fixed in 2.4.3

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 2.4.3 are as follows:
When you click Value Streams > Add a new value stream, create and then edit the value stream Name, the Name updates on the Pipeline page.
When you click Insights > All Dashboards, select a Name, click the Applications drop-down, and applications imported from HCL® Launch are listed on the Dashboards page.
On the Pipeline page, corrected lead-time, cycle-time, and average stage time below each stage.
When you click Releases > Tasks, action buttons are working via a corrected GraphQL error.
On the Releases page in card view, corrected erratic spacing.
When you click Settings > User Authorization > Groups > Create group and Settings > User Authorization > Teams > Create team and add the new group to the new team, page reload is not required for the group to display in the team.
When you click Settings > User Authorization > Teams, Groups, or User Access Keys and there are no users or members assigned, a table body message is displayed that the Team, Group, or User Access Key Management has no members and is empty.

Defects fixed in 2.4.2

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 2.4.2 are as follows:
On the Swimlane page when you click on a cell or stage header, the particle panel remains open without any error message displayed.
On the Pipeline page, when you click Add application, the Add app - Choose the app modal window loads properly.
On the Releases page, when you click settings, the tags show and hide correctly.
When you click Settings > User authorization > User Access Keys, the Last Used field values are updating correctly.

Defects fixed in 2.4.1

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 2.4.1 are as follows:
On the Value Streams page, Jira items rolling over from a previous sprint to a new sprint are displayed correctly in the VSM.
The shell task is added to the deployment plan successfully.

Defects fixed in 2.4.0

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 2.4.0 are as follows:
On the Value Streams page when you click on a commit dot, corrected Invalid date in the Age in stage field.

Defects fixed in 2.3.6

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 2.3.6 are as follows:
On the Value Stream page in the Search with DQL field and for VSM stage queries in the JSON using issue.type, corrected dot coloring and filtering issues.

Defects fixed in 2.3.5

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 2.3.5 are as follows:
Value streams
  • When you hover over a dot existing in multiple stages, a unique ID attribute will display based on the stage where the action is performed.
  • Removed faulty display component appearing behind header.
  • On the dot details panel, the title is fully displayed.
  • When the window size changes, dots display inside the respective stages.
Swim lanes
  • Dots display correctly without overlap.
  • When you collapse an expanded phase, click on a field containing multiple dots, click an arrow for one of the dots, only one dot detail panel is displayed.

Defects fixed in 2.3.4

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 2.3.4 are as follows:
  • Value streams
    • On the Swimlane page, when you click either the phases, stages, or any items in the dynamic row selector and hover over the time in stage, null is not displayed.
    • When you click Value Streams > Add new value stream, enter and save information in the required fields of the Create a Value Stream window, delete the aforementioned value stream, and either: refresh the page, click All Value Streams, click My Favorites, a blank page is not displayed.
    • On the Swimlane page, when you click on a dot, the panel points to the column where the dot is located.
  • For the example DQL filters in the following table:
    Filter DQL query
    1 issue.status='In Progress' AND pr.source!=GitHub
    2 pr.status=open AND pr.labels!='Any Label'
    3 pr.status=open AND
    4 pr.status=open AND>0
    When Filters 3 and 4 are combined with Filter 1 with the OR operator, Filter 1 dots are displayed. When Filters 1 and 2 are combined, the data is filtered properly.

Defects fixed in 2.3.3

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 2.3.3 are as follows:
  • Value streams
    • When you click Value Streams > All Value Streams and then click the tabular list icon for value streams in a narrow window, the table heading metric fields truncate and you can hover over the fields to display a pop-up detailing the metric names with definitions.
    • On the Value Streams page, when you click a value stream and click either Expand or Collapse, the up and down arrows are pointing in the correct direction.
    • On the Value Streams page, when you click a value stream and click the Release or Sprint filters and select a release or sprint that is not in one of the five most recent, a blank page is not displayed.
    • On the Value Streams page, when you click a value stream and click the Commit or Pull request filters and select a pull request or commit, the pull request and commit filters remain selected after the page reloads.
For pipelines with HCL® Launch and Azure DevOps integrations, when you click the add button for DEV, QA, PROD , or any environment in the pipeline, you can select only one process and save it to the deployment plan.
When you click Insights > All Dashboards and then click a dashboard, the Build Counts display the correct Requestor information from Jenkins when you click Group By and select Requestor. Also, the Deployment Counts display the correct User information from Jenkins when you click Group By and select User.
On the Value Streams, Pipeline, Insights, Dashboards, Releases, and Settings pages, resolved various page layout issues.
When a user logs out of HCL Accelerate, a login page is displayed for all web browser types and tabs associated with that session.

Defects fixed in 2.3.2

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 2.3.2 are as follows:
On dot details panel, wrap long dot names on three lines.
On dot details panel, Jira Reporter is not displayed as Assignee if the dot is unassigned.
Extra spaces in pipeline environment names are not displayed on the Pipeline page.
Note: DQL queries with the displayed truncated environment name may not work if there are trailing spaces in the name. Inspect the environment name in the configuration modal or API attributes JSON file to confirm that extra spaces are the issue.
On the deployment plans page, corrected Plan not found error that prevents the user from accessing the plan.

Defects fixed in 2.3.1

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 2.3.1 are as follows:
On the Pipeline page, the application's snapshot rows display correct alternating component coloring starting with white, gray, white, and so forth.

Defects fixed in 2.3.0

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 2.3.0 are as follows:
On the Pipeline page with Jenkins jobs, when you click the overflow menu and select Configure parameters, the issue of a blank modal window display is resolved.
On the Value stream page, when you click Configure value stream map and select Replace value stream map, in the case of an error after uploading a JSON file, a specific error message is displayed instead of the following generic error message: error uploading json not authorized
When creating an DevOps Deploy Status task, saving the Status type resolves previous issues with the deployment plan remaining in an unopened state.

Defects fixed in 2.2.5

HCL Accelerate 2.2.5 includes no defect fixes.

Defects fixed in 2.2.4

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 2.2.4 are as follows:
On the State of Sprint Report, clicking View issues in sprint expands and displays issues in tabular format.
Altair GraphQL Client is accessible.

Defects fixed in 2.2.3

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 2.2.3 are as follows:
Custom metrics support average and mean.

Defects fixed in 2.2.2

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 2.2.2 are as follows:
Fixed dots not moving to next stage if newer and older versions are in the same stage. Dots move when the API is invoked.
Selecting versions for a deployment template only displays its own values versus those of a previously selected version.
GraphQL Playground works in offline scenarios.

Defects fixed in 2.2.1

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 2.2.1 are as follows:
On the Templates page accessed via Releases > Templates, from the overflow icon when you select Copy this plan for a template, the template is copied and the Template duplicated successfully modal window is displayed.
On the Integrations page accessed via Settings > Integrations, from the overflow icon when you select Delete for an integration, the Are you sure you want to delete this integration? delete confirmation modal window is displayed as shown below.

Integration delete confirmation modal window

Improved the install experience on OpenShift version 4.4 and greater. OpenShift templates will no longer need to be manually modified prior to install.
Note: Red Hat dropped support for OpenShift version 4.3 in December 2020 and therefore, we can no longer support it from a product perspective.
Delete application option in release pipeline deletes all other applications known issue in version 2.2 is fixed.
Improved the robustness of continuous-release-poller connection with MongoDB.
Improved load time of home page.
Selecting versions for a deployment template only displays its own values versus those of a previously selected version.
LDAP connections timing out corrected with added reconnect setting to the client.

Defects fixed in 2.2.0

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 2.2.0 are as follows:
The release-events-api service now starts last to ensure a safer start-up order.
The pipeline's Schedule deployment and Join release functionality should now work as expected when deploying with a Jenkins application that has not yet run.

Defects fixed in 2.1.3

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 2.1.3 are as follows:
Corrected VSM load error GraphQL Error: Expected Iterable, but did not find one for field ParticleViewMode.sprints when ParticleViewMode.sprints is stored as null

Defects fixed in 2.1.2

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 2.1.2 are as follows:
Corrected VSM load error GraphQL Error: Expected Iterable, but did not find one for field ParticleViewMode.sprints when ParticleViewMode.sprints is stored as null.
For the release-events-api performance issues in Kubernetes or OpenShift installations with explicit overrides of limits and requests memory allocations in the deployment, the following workaround provides guidelines to address loss of system stability associated with how the non-default settings were set up in the configuration. This issue is typically not encountered if the aforementioned explicit overrides are not implemented in the configuration. If more than 2 GBs of memory are required, perform the following procedure:
  1. Determine the memory requirement.
  2. Under spec > template > spec > containers in your yaml file, locate the line image: urbancode/velocity-se-release-events-api:x.x.x.xx.
  3. Add the command override as a sibling entry to image: in the form of the following:
         image: urbancode/velocity-se-release-events-api:x.x.x.xx
           - node
           - --max-old-space-size=xxxx
           - /release-events-api/release-events-api.min.js
  4. On the command line - --max-old-space-size=xxxx, enter the maximum memory requirement in the appropriate units.

Defects fixed in 2.1.1

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 2.1.1 are as follows:
Fixed inaccurate display of Dashboards bar chart representations for single run or multiple runs in one day.
Corrected issue of pipeline page not loading when navigating to the Value stream tab and then quickly switching to the Pipeline tab while the value stream is still loading.
For a Jenkins version that has been successfully deployed to an environment, eliminated repeat deployments when numerous applications are in the pipeline. None is displayed for the selected version instead of the same version available for a repeat deployment.
Problem of Pull request (PR) history loss for an issue in the VSM is remedied to link and access any PR historical data attached to the item.

Defects fixed in 2.1.0

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 2.1.0 are as follows:
Fix to correctly display Group by: Week data in a chart.

Defects fixed in 2.0.5

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 2.0.5 are as follows:
Fixed problem when the dot history sometimes does not display
Fixed issue with applicable tasks not displaying unless the Applicable button is toggled.

Defects fixed in 2.0.4

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 2.0.4 are as follows:
Fixed overflow of application list when working with Jenkins jobs in pipelines.
Integration containers are now automatically terminated if not needed. It used to be possible for integration containers to become orphaned and use system resources eventually causing MongoDB to crash.
Fixed issue with VSM link rule integration names not updating if the integration name is changed separately.

Defects fixed in 2.0.3

The defects fixed in HCL Accelerate 2.0.3 are as follows:
Integration with HCL® Launch version fails with HTTP status code 500.
Bottleneck detection errors are not handled well for value streams with data creation errors. Algorithm updated and more verbose reporting when bottleneck detected.
Edit icon does not display when hovering over chart.

Defects fixed in 2.0.2

HCL Accelerate 2.0.2 includes no defect fixes.

Defects fixed in 2.0.1

HCL Accelerate 2.0.1 includes no defect fixes.

Defects fixed in 2.0.0

HCL Accelerate 2.0.0 includes no defect fixes.