Lesson 5 Displaying data in value stream

Track value stream dots as they change status or state.

Before you begin

Before you begin this lesson, make sure that you complete the previous lesson.

About this task

DevOps query language determines which data to display in value stream. In this lesson, we learn how to use different DevOps query to display data as a dot in value stream.

To modify the tutorial value stream, complete the following steps:


  1. On the Value Streams page, select the tutorial value stream.
  2. Click Configure value stream map > Download value stream map.
    The helloWorld-vsm.json file is downloaded to your computer.
    Note: If you have the helloWorld-vsm.json used in the previous lesson, you can use that.
  3. In your text editor, open the helloWorld-vsm.json file, and then add a DQL query to the stage in the JSON file.
    Add a query to filter the issues in status open with the below code example:
              "name": "Backlog",
              "query": "issue.status='OPEN'",
              "description": "",
              "wipLimit": null,
              "gates": null
    You can use any query from the DQL queries table to limits the stages for Jira issues with the workflow status :
    DevOps Query Description
    issue.id Provide issue id reference to filter the dot. For example: issue.id=ABCD-1234 to filter the issue with id reference ABCD-1234.
    issue.status Provide issue status reference to filter the dot. For example: issue.status=OPEN to filter all the issues with open status. In the same way, we can create DQL query for all issue status of jira.
    issue.name Provide issue name to filter the dot. For example: issue.name= DevOps.
    issue.sprints Provide issue sprints value to filter the dot. For example: issue.sprints.active=TRUE to filter active issues of the sprint.
    issue.owner Provide issue owner value to filter the dot. For example: issue.owner="John" to filter issue of john.
    issue.priority Provide issue priority value to filter the dot . For example: issue.priority="High" to filter high priority issues.
    issue.type Provide issue type value to filter the dot. For example: issue.type="Task" to filter task type issues.
    issue.labels Provide issue label details to filter the dot. For example: issue.labels=Velocity
    issue.created Provide issue created value to filter the dot. For example: issue.created=
    DevOps Search Description
    pr.id Provide pull request id reference to filter the dot. For example: pr.id=12345 to filter dot with pull request id 12345
    pr.name Provide pull request name value to filter the dot. For example: pr.name=Devops to filter dot with pull request name Devops
    pr.source Provide pull request source reference to filter the dot. For example: pr.source=abcde to filter dot with pull source abcde
    pr.status Provide pull request status value to filter the dot. For example: pr.status=draft to filter dot with pull request status draft
    pr.branch Provide pull request branch reference to filter the dot. For example: pr.branch=12345 to filter dot with pull request branch 12345
    pr.baseBranch Provide pull request baseBranch reference to filter the dot. For example: pr.baseBranch=12345 to filter dot with pull request baseBranch 12345
    pr.commitId Provide pull request commit id reference to filter the dot. For example: pr.commitId=12345abc to filter dot with pull request commit id 12345abc
    pr.merged Provide pull request merged value to filter the dot. For example: pr.merged=12345 to filter dot with pull request merged= 12345
    pr.assignees Provide pull request assignees value to filter the dot. For example: pr.assignees=Devops to filter dot with pull request assignee Devops
    pr.reviewers Provide pull request reviewers value to filter the dot. For example: pr.reviewers=Devops to filter dot with pull request reviewer Devops
    pr.created Provide pull request created date value to filter the dot. For example: pr.created=01-December-2020 to filter dot with pull request created on 01-December-2020
    pr.lastupdate Provide pull request last update date value to filter the dot. For example: pr.lastupdate=01-December-2020 to filter dot with pull request last updated on 01-December-2020
    pr.creater Provide pull request creater value to filter the dot. For example: pr.creater=abcd to filter dot with pull request creater abcd
    pr.number Provide pull request number value to filter the dot. For example: pr.number=12345 to filter dot with pull request number 12345
    pr.comments.comment Provide pull request comments value to filter the dot. For example: pr.comments.comment=12345 to filter dot with pull request id 12345
    pr.comments.created Provide pull request comments created value to filter the dot. For example: pr.comments.created=01-December-2020 to filter dot with pull request comments created on 01-December-2020
    pr.comments.updated Provide pull request comments updated value to filter the dot. For example: pr.comments.updated=01-December-2020 to filter dot with pull request comments updated on 01-December-2020
    DevOps Query Description
    build.id Provide build id reference to filter the dot. For example: build.id=12345 to filter dot with build id 12345
    build.name Provide build name value to filter the dot. For example: build.name=123abc to filter dot with build name 123abc
    build.source Provide build source value to filter the dot. For example: build.source=12345 to filter dot with build source 12345
    build.status Provide build status reference to filter the dot. For example: build.status=pass to filter dot with build status pass
    build.endTime Provide build end time value to filter the dot. For example: build.endTime=19:00 to filter dot with build end time 19:00
    build.requestor Provide build requestor reference to filter the dot. For example: build.requestor=abcd to filter dot with build requestor abcd
    build.startTime Provide build start time value to filter the dot. For example: build.startTime=19:00 to filter dot with build start time 19:00
    build.number Provide build number reference to filter the dot. For example: build.number=12345 to filter dot with build number 12345
    DevOps Query Description
    deployment.id Provide deployment id reference to filter the dot. For example: deployment.id=12345 to filter dot with deployment id 12345
    deployment.name Provide deployment name value to filter the dot. For example: deployment.name=123abc to filter dot with deployment name 123abc
    deployment.source Provide deployment source value to filter the dot. For example: deployment.source=12345 to filter dot with deployment source 12345
    deployment.status Provide deployment status reference to filter the dot. For example: deployment.status=pass to filter dot with deployment status pass
    deployment.endTime Provide deployment end time value to filter the dot. For example: deployment.endTime=19:00 to filter dot with deployment end time 19:00
    deployment.requestor Provide deployment requestor reference to filter the dot. For example: deployment.requestor=abcd to filter dot with deployment requestor abcd
    deployment.startTime Provide deployment start time value to filter the dot. For example: deployment.startTime=19:00 to filter dot with deployment start time 19:00
    deployment.number Provide deployment number reference to filter the dot. For example: deployment.number=12345 to filter dot with deployment number 12345
    deployment.env Provide deployment environment reference to filter the dot. For example: deployment.env=123abc to filter dot with deployment environment 123abc
    Note: You can make DevOps query with the combination of any two or more elements of DevOps query using DevOps operators. For example : issue.status= open and pr.status=open to filter dot with issue status open and pull request status open.
  4. Add the required DevOps query to helloWorld-vsm.json and Save the file.
  5. On the helloWorld value stream page, select Configure value stream map > Replace value stream map, and then select the JSON file that you modified. Replace value stream map
  6. Refresh the helloWorld page.
    After the page refreshes, the dot will be displayed based on the query mentioned in helloWorld-vsm.json file.
    Note: You can also use DQL queries in search box available in value stream page to filter the required data.DQL searchbox


In this lesson, you learned how to use DevOps query language to filter data in value stream.

What to do next

In later tutorials, you will learn how to