Lesson 3 Creating a metric record

Create a metric data record and upload it to HCL DevOps Velocity (Velocity).

Before you begin

Before you begin this lesson, make sure that you complete the previous lesson.

About this task

In the last lesson, you uploaded a metric definition for the data type "Tutorial Definition" to Velocity. In this lesson, you create a data record for that type and upload it.

To create a metric data record, complete the following steps:


  1. Create a curl POST request for the data record.
    Most of these fields are familiar to you from the first lesson.
         curl -X POST "https://my_velocity:port/api/v1/metrics" \
          -H "accept: application/json" \
          -H "Authorization: UserAccessKey my_user_access_token" \
          -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
          -k \
          -v \
          -d '{
                "tenantId": "my_tenant_id",
                "dataSet": "Tutorial data set",
                "record": {
                  "metricDefinitionName": "Tutorial Definition",
                  "recordName": "My tutorial record",
                  "pluginType": "plugin",
                  "dataFormat": "custom",
                  "executionDate": 1570028414997,
                  "value": {
                    "north": 199,
                    "south": 322,
                    "east": 485,
                    "west": 234
                  "description": "Tutorial data record"
                "application": {
                  "name": "Metric Tutorial"

    The record object defines the record. You can associate a record to its metric definition by using the metricDefinitionId, or metricDefinitionName property, as we do here. The pluginType property is set to the generic value of "plugin". The executionDate value must be in milliseconds.

    The value object can have an arbitrary number of name-value pairs. The values defined in this property are displayed on the chart. Create enough values to make the chart interesting.

    The application property defines the application to which this record belongs. "Application" can refer to an integrated application, such as an HCL DevOps Deploy application, or a set of metric records, among other things. In this tutorial, "Metric Tutorial" refers simply to the record that you upload.

  2. Run the curl command
    The record is uploaded to Velocity. To confirm this, expand the dashboard's Applications list, as shown in the following graphic.
    Figure 1. Tutorial application listed
    Tutorial application listed


In this lesson, you created a metric data record of the "Tutorial Definition" type and uploaded it to Velocity.

What to do next

In the next lesson, you add a Tutorial Definition-type chart to the dashboard and examine the data you created in this lesson.