Creating run another plan tasks: Example

A run another plan task runs a deployment for another deployment plan.

About this task

This example is a targeted plan that is created from a tag. The tagged deployment plan must be in the same release as the task's parent plan.

To create a targeted plan that is created from a tag, complete the following steps:


  1. Create the primary template.
    1. On the Releases page, click Create template.
    2. In the Plan template name field, enter the name for the primary template.
      Accept the default values for the remaining fields.
    3. Click Save.
    4. Click the name of the primary template.
  2. Referring to the Creating tasks page, create independent and dependent tasks for the primary template by using field values that are detailed in the following tables for each task:
    Table 1. Manual task
    Create task field Value
    Type Select Manual.
    Name Enter the name for the manual task.
    Description Default value.
    Duration (minutes) Default value.
    Tags Default value.
    Assigned groups and users Default value.
    Table 2. Run another plan task
    Create task field Value
    Type Select Run another plan.
    Name Enter the name for the secondary task.
    How do you want to choose another plan? By tag
    Run plans with this tag Select a tag or create a new tag by typing a name in the field. The primary deployment plan will find any other plan with this tag name when it runs.
    Tags Default value.
  3. Create the secondary template.
    1. On the releases page, click Create template.
    2. In the Plan template name field, enter the name for the secondary template.
      Accept the default values for the remaining fields.
    3. Click Save.
    4. Click the name of the secondary template.
  4. Referring to the Creating tasks page, create independent and dependent tasks for the secondary template by using field values that are detailed in the following tables for each task:
    Table 3. Wait for approval task
    Create task field Value
    Type Wait for approval or any task that starts automatically.
    Name Enter the name for the task.
    Approval prompt Default value or enter a prompt message.
    Approvers Select the name of the approver. You can select multiple approvers.
    Required Approver Select Any approver can approve or All approvers must approve
    Table 4. Manual task
    Create task field Value
    Type Manual
    Name Enter the name for the task.
    Description Default value.
    Duration (minutes) Default value.
    Tags Default value.
    Assigned groups and users Default value.
  5. Referring to the Creating releases page, create a release with the primary and secondary templates by using field values that are detailed in the following table:
    Table 5. Create release
    Create release field Value
    Name Enter the name for the release.
    Tags Select the name for the required tag.
    Description Default value.
    Deployment plan templates Select the name of the primary template that you created.
    Start time Default value.
    End time Default value.
    Team Default value.
  6. On the Releases page, click the name of the release.
  7. Click the primary plan to display the independent task and dependent task with a tag in the template.
  8. At the top of the page, click the link to go back to the release.
  9. Create the deployment plan.
    1. Click Create deployment plan.
    2. In the Deployment plan template list, select the name of the secondary template that you created.
    3. In the Tags field, select the name for the required tag.
    4. Click Save.
  10. Click the primary plan to display the independent and dependent tasks.
    The dependent task is now ready to run with the independent task being a manual type.
    1. On the manual task, click Start task Start task to start the task.
    2. On the manual task, click Approve task Approve task to complete the task.
      The manual task displays the status as Complete, and the dependent task displays In progress.
    3. On the dependent task, click the arrow to the left of In progress.
    4. Click Go to Go to to go to the dependent task.
    5. On the "Wait for approval" task, click Approve task Approve task to approve the task.
    6. On the "Manual" task, click Start task Start task to start the task.
    7. On the "Manual" task, click Complete task Complete task to complete the task.
    8. At the top of the page, click the link to go back to the release.
      The Manual and Run another plan tasks are both displayed as completed in the secondary plan.
    9. At the top of the page, click the link to go back to the primary plan to display the plans in the release that are completed.