DevOps Test UI Project Properties page

Use this page to change your default script helper superclass.

HCL DevOps Test UI (Test UI) uses the helper superclass for all the scripts you create in this project. You can change the superclass for an individual script by specifying it in the Script Properties page.

By default, all Test UI scripts extend the RationalTestScript class and inherit a number of methods (such as callScript). You can create your own helper superclass to add methods or override the methods from RationalTestScript. Use this properties page to change the default helper superclass for a project.

Default Script Helper superclass -- Enter the fully qualified class name of your custom helper superclass in this field. Note that your helper superclass must extend RationalTestScript.

If you change your superclass and want to reset it to RationalTestScript, you can either type RationalTestScript in the superclass field or clear the field. Leaving this field blank resets the script to use RationalTestScript.

To open: In the Test UI Projects view, select a project, right-click, and click Properties. Click Functional Test Project.