Set Active Find Criteria dialog

You use the Set Active Find Criteria dialog to select the filter you want to use for searching the test object map, to create a new filter, and to edit or delete an existing filter.

The Set Active Find Criteria dialog has the following controls:

Find Filter Names -- Lists the names of all the active find criteria available. The default is Test Object is New, which searches the test object map for all New objects.

Find Filter -- Lists all the find criteria, their properties, and relationships.

Create -- Displays the Define Find Filter Properties dialog, which enables you to specify properties for a new set of find criteria.

Edit -- Displays the Define Find Filter Properties dialog, which enables you to change properties for the selected find criteria.

Delete -- Deletes the selected find filter from the list.

OK -- Runs the selected filter.

Cancel -- Closes the dialog without making any changes.

To open: From the test object map menu, select Find > Find by Filters; from the test object map toolbar, click the Find: Filters button Find: Filters button.